

I doubt the politicians would go to the assembly line to put together your plane..

Politicians and bureaucrats, vs profit-maximizers and bureaucrats?(Everyone who says that corporations have no bureaucracy are dishonest, to start with.) Including a bail-out by the public every 15 years or so, on top of almost unlimited

Or partially nationalize it (similar to how Airbus is run).

The environmental impact they have, the ‘flying under a foreign flag to avoid paying taxes’, the treating its workers incredibly poor due to maritime law. They’re a disaster as industry, there’s no need for them to exist.

Seeing as how Boeing has quite a big part of their revenue through government contracts, the logical conclusion is to nationalize it.

B Corporation was the legal term I was looking for.

This should be the way forward regarding airlines, seeing as how they blackmail us regarding bailouts and transportation needs.

Right? It boggles the mind.

Sorry, but six figures doesn’t make you rich.

I would hope you have 1k to drop out of nowhere, otherwise your rainy day fund is really lacking.

Whoa, there’s a lot to unpack here, pal (lol).

I don’t have any faith that shareholders alone will fix anything, as their only fix of interest is dividends/stock prices rising.

I have much more faith that stakeholders will be able to fix this thing. Of course, shareholders shall not be voiceless, as that would be

You seem nice. Call your parents/friends/neighbors and distance-socialize a bit.

I feel alone in a sea of opposing opinions. Thanks for reassuring me that I’m not totally off the rocker.

I just think ‘business as usual’ doesn’t really apply anymore. Therefore new thinking is required, and closing tax loop holes and shelters should be a priority once we have some sane leadership again.

Thank you.

Read my responses to him, they take quite a bit of wind out of his argument’s sails.

Btw. Healthcare in Italy is not tied to employment.

The Agnellis actually don’t really run any businesses, a few of them sit on some board of directors, but are not involved in any of the day-to-day businesses. They are owners, not doers.

They hire people like Marchionne (until his death) to run their businesses.

There are none that I am aware of. This could set a new precedent. I’m not saying it’s fool proof. I’m saying the current system, where a private corporation keeps most of its profits, yet as soon as a crisis hits, asks the public to bail them out - basically holding the public hostage - is not a good system to just

I know they are quasi-legal, morally abhorrent they are nonetheless. And I am very aware of the distinction between wealth and cash/solvent capital as a home owner.
Still does not change the fact that the richest in the world have skirted their responsibility as tax payers for ages now, instead sheltering their wealth

The Agnellis are a family dynasty of wealthy Italian industrials, owning large parts of Italian manufacturing, Juventus FC and quite a bit more.

They are free to give as much as they want. Obviously.

But to brag about giving 10mil and feeling like the world owes them gratitude is kinda silly.

Also, most folks did

Poor folks, having to sell some of their holdings off. Boohoo. At a loss even (but made tons of profit over the years before that).