Nah, it’s the bragging about how great they are for donating a tiny bit of their net wealth that irks folks.
Nah, it’s the bragging about how great they are for donating a tiny bit of their net wealth that irks folks.
“It’s the govts job to have resources to fight crises like this.”
I agree, but a huge amount of resources lie in tax havens/tax shelters, thus are not where it should be (taxed and therefore accessible to the government to fight crises like this).
The rich - who most all take advantage of the tax shelters - do have…
I’m with you.
That’s never the same person. Cannot be. Wow..
Yeah, and with flying less we’ll actually curb our emissions quite a bit. It’s needed no matter what, now we have the chance to change our approach to it fundamentally.
As far as I know, hailing from a country with public transportation that’s run like a business but owned by the state: busses go to destinations that aren’t profitable but crucial in allowing access to the public transport network.
And seeing how in England train disasters spiked after privatization in the 90s,…
This is both horrifying to read and very, very accurate.
No falsehood detected.
Yeah, I understand that, but as a measure that’s hard pressed for time, it’s actually the best way of going about it.
Skimming through 250 million tax returns - not to speak of the legality of going through these without an audit warrant - would take years for the decimated IRS to do.
And seeing how the income curve is…
The problem with this approach is twofold:
I think it’s more of a ‘I’ve invested so much of my self-perception into this cult that I cannot back out now, my investment is too big to sell at a loss’ mechanism at work than true belief. Or at least I hope so.
Same to you. And yes to those interesting times, when a very progressive-socialist idea suddenly gets thrown into gear by a reactionary administration.
Though, I’d wait for the checks to arrive before celebrating too much, the honesty track record of this administration is very poor.
Yes, but at what price to the employees and all the people they come in contact with?
So far, most concrete action that’s been proposed has been to prop up businesses, and businesses only, with the ever-old adage of ‘trickle down’, despite overwhelming evidence that it actually doesn’t work.
The only outliers have been…
They are, until they aren’t, and are in danger to close shop. So, long term-efficiency clearly isn’t given.
Well, looking at the bigger picture, the airlines are clearly inefficient. Here we have some giant corporations that made lots of profits in the past few years, unable to weather a storm for two months.
How is that efficient?
Executive comp in a non-profit would at least not be measured by short-sighted factors such as…
This. See it happen in the next few weeks.
Judging by the state of the earth (aka climate and such) we’re clearly on the wrong path with growth growth growth. Just like a cancer.
It’s all part of the plan to starve all government services into oblivion. The GOP has been in the business of dismantling services ever since Reagan, to privatize everything. It’s a truly dark dystopian design for a future.
We could require the airlines to transform into not-for-profit companies, to avoid such behavior for next time.
I think this bailout money should go to all airline employees (from maybe like C-level suite on down). The stimulus of such action will be felt much stronger and faster than propping up an industry unwilling to learn from their own mistakes.