
It may eventually come to that, but, the shorter time period we lose production, the better.”

How does this statement in the face of people overcrowding hospitals make any sense? How is it that the markets are more important than the human beings it was invented to serve?
Have you lost every last bit of humanity in

Nobody knows. We’re in uncharted waters.

We’re at a point to pioneer a new system if we so desire.

At what human cost, though? Scenes like in Italy? Worse?

You should change your philosophy then, as the rational you clearly sees the errors of your philosophical ways.

I’m waiting...

Do the employees get their fair share of profit participation? No?

There’s your answer.

Well done!

Lots of folks might end up donating that extra 1k instead of using it for whatever floats their boat.

Another failed nazi on his personal redemption tour.

This. Profit over people and we’re surprised people aren’t priority number one?

One can spread the virus unknowingly without having symptoms for 14 days easily.

So, isolate as much as possible, for all our sakes.

You have no obligations towards them. They’re adults and free to choose what to believe, as hard as it sounds.

Also, I just read up on the fable you mentioned, and its different interpretations are interesting (grasshopper as a stand-in for artists, the value of charity and paying for culture, etc.).

I have not. But having ridden tons of Ventures, Thunders and Indies, I’m heading back to Thunders.

Having skateboarded for a quarter century, it is indeed challenging af.

Haha, yes! Although I’m actually considering going back to Thunders.

Thank you!

Care to post that article? I got plenty of time for reading these days..

This. Thank you.

Yeah, the stimulus ideally would be a check for each person, instead of payroll tax cuts.

With a two week incubation period, the exponential nature of infections spreading makes 100k not unreasonable to assume.

Oh, I had the double row swapped out recently (second LN Engineering aftermarket IMS), doing clutch while in there. So far 4 years, 50k miles and no real issues aside from driving errors and maintenance.