
Ugh, I still have the total set too, but they’re not close to mint. To get this kind of money you really had to just buy them and shelve them.

Not to mention a good chunk of people who do really want it but don’t want to front that kind of money would just get the inevitable cheaper KO instead, at least if the faults get mostly ironed out.

That’s definitely someone’s fetish.

Notably, this is already possible in Japan, where you can not only select any combination of standard color Joy-Con and grips to go with the console.

People don’t seem to believe me when I tell them that all you need to do is go two miles outside any significant population center, and Michigan effectively turns into Mississippi.

Yes, EA is indeed responsible for a lot. 

I’ll be in my 60s when gen 20 comes out for the Nintendo Holodeck and my reaction is STILL going to be

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Thanks, Jason. It is interesting to see this hit so close to home. I’m in Kansas City, and Hawley is well known on this side of the border.

We get only a few big budget FPS games every year, so I’m glad that developers are really setting each franchise apart. Like how Borderlands 3 will be a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland with randomized loot, but Rage 2 is a zany open world FPS set in a dieselpunk wasteland without randomized loot.

Let’s make this a Thing! 

Dear ASS,

As a few others have said, you are not nearly as interesting, deep, or intelligent as you think you are—but assuming you’re being sincere, I’m going to let you in on a little secret about human relationships:

The only time you’re ever really “trading up” is if your partner is abusive, completely emotionally

Tap to engage in exciting gameplay action!

Tell me some cool facts about you and I’ll write an article! How many hours have you spent using a Steam Controller? Have you played Chrono Trigger lately? When did you first learn about membrane proteins and the proton pump? Are you a woomy or a voomy in Splatoon? Do you have five bucks I can borrow?

Sonic's idle animation is more compelling than anything in that abhorrent movie trailer.


Whatever it takes... 

You know, eventually, if enough people with this perspective stopped seeing the movies they knew were going to be bad, maybe, just maybe, Hollywood would stop churning things out at the lowest common denominator. Maybe. 

Overdosing on awesome after watching Endgame and the Battle of Winterfell back to back?