
i don’t understand... do you people like never play this game? I’m not hating or anything i just don’t understand... I’m not great by any means (4-5 kills a game, play about an hour a day), but i find boogie bombs, impulse grenades, heavy shotguns, and all that stuff just about every single game...

Are you trying tell me that its possible to like something AND criticize it? What witchcraft is this!?

NOOOOO GUY NUMBER 1! NOOO! Everything in the entire question is bad/wrong (badong), for a variety of reasons.

I never seem to run into the problem of finding supports when I play, but then again I am usually insta pick Lucio because I tend to not trust randos to do the team healing. I see tanks being more the problem, nothing worse then getting a suicidal tank that keeps charging headlong into 1v5 fight.

Thank you for giving me so much beauty and such good cries, Mr. Takahata.

But aren’t you tired? You should go to bed.

Someone needs to visit Cafe Leblanc.

Don’t feel bad for me, I’ve enjoyed this game since it came out. The only thing I saw of it was a video on Eurogamer of the player flying between planets; no commentary, no promises, just the visuals and soundtrack. That’s what got me interested in the game and I’ve loved every minute I’ve played.

You beat me too it. I’d have preferred the alternate ending if Pilgrim were deserving of it. He’s not.

Knives gets a much better ending in the comic that her goodbye speech in the film absolutely fails to convey. Her characterization in the film is my primary gripe about it, though I still love it.

Guy in a band here, and I think it’s more on the dude to make sure it’s clear that she doesn’t have to come to every show to qualify as a supportive SO. My wife comes to about 1 out of 4 shows and that’s plenty. She’s heard us play it all before, I’m too busy to hang out with her much, it’s loud and takes forever, it

I brought this up to her and her solution is “we can just not have sex ever again.”

A true philosophical question.

I’d watch Olympic Pokemon battles, or would that just be dog fighting?

Stanley Parable is what I’d always recommend to someone if they had a negative opinion on video games. Like a goofy, awesome choose your own adventure book in digital form.

Mrs. Assassin, my wife, multiracial, all the way from the small island of Malamawi. Lots of Filipino blood. I love it.

Nah. If you wanna take it to the next level you could do intermittent fasting and only eat for like 8 hours of the day. One of my medicine professors lost like 30 pounds on it and swears by it. 

I started reading comics when my mom bought me one, when I wouldn’t go outside, on the account that my bones were very fragile. Now I own my own comic art gallery, always searching for somebody like me that I can finally connect with.

This collection of cosplay shots from last year’s sci-fi flick doesn’t feature a single Deckard or Officer K.

I dont know if the same in the states but in Canada shredded wheat does not have any sugar at all(I know this because I went on a no additive sugar diet). Honestly now adays I can eat it without sugar or honey. My fav cereal though is frosted mini wheats.