This way you get diabetes with good digestion.
This way you get diabetes with good digestion.
There is literally no healthy cereal. Seriously. It’s all shit, nutritionally. Its biggest claim it can legitimately make is fiber, but that’s like saying you should eat full fat, extra sugar ice cream because there’s some protein in it.
I think the story will definitely strike a chord with you, for sure...
You’re right. Goku Kakkarot Sanchez should help him through the high school years.
Yep. Playing a female character in an MMO, I got the same thing. Creepy comments, random tells, minor harassment varying from the “you suck because you’re a girl” variety to the more objectifying sort, etc. And I’m sure that’s only a fraction of what actual women playing those games have to deal with.
I’m a grown ass nigga and as soon as i saw that piano labo became an instabuy
I’m going to state this up front: they’re E. For Everyone.
On the other hand, I had a Science teacher that jumped down my 5th grade throat because I pointed out the Science book was out of date and that they had recently announced new position on something. I didn’t even call her out. I just mentioned it since it was a cool new fact. (I honestly don’t remember the exact…
It’s well-known that Nintendo was originally founded in Kyoto, Japan as a maker of playing cards in 1889. But a…
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pop Team Epic. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Popuko’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - her personal…
Doesn’t help that the music sounds like robotripping xanax.
Chanin Suasungnern is a freelance concept artist and illustrator from Thailand.
For some reason, my dog decided to chew up one of my socks. He is five years old and has never done this before. I wanted to murder him, but instead, I decided to save his life and just let him out into the fenced-in back yard.
Fahey, you have the towering patience of a saint.
...or a good father. I don’t really distinguish between those terms.
My wife and I aren’t planning on having kids, principally because I can threaten to skin the cat when he deliberately dumps his water bowl all over the floor without worrying about said cat calling DCFS.
The animation is also stylish as hell.
I vote for a “Let’s admire [Old Anime] anime backgrounds” series.