
Previously Kotaku mentioned how Judgment, the PS4 game with Japanese superstar Takuya Kimura, lets players beat up enemies with a sex toy.

I’d actually pay to see that scene where Mewtwo releases all the black pokeballs to catch everyone’s Pokemon edited to have GO mechanics all over the place. 

I’m currently rocking my Switch docked with the Wii U GameCube controller adapter and the Smash GC controller they put out for Smash Wii U with the (much appreciated) super long cord.

I’m probably going to have to do this in the near future. My sister’s due to have a kid next year and my game room is like a child’s paradise 

My friend’s 3-year-old son has gotten into the habit of taking their Switch out of the dock to play it. My friend was like, “Why don’t they make a Switch lock to keep it in the dock?’ and I said, “Won’t he just take the whole thing with him then; it’s not like the dock is heavy...”

I need to get back into my Smash groove before I get to Inkling. I used to be an unstoppable force with Greninja, but I’ve been so out of practice that I can’t seem to handle anyone as fast as Inkling just yet. 

I’m a huge fan of mah boi Ridley (read: Meta Ridley). He easily became my new main, but I’m really enjoying K. Rool and Inkling.

I managed to hammer through and unlock everyone in about 1.5 days of “slightly more than casual” play. I’d say that my biggest complaint wasn’t so much having to unlock everyone, but that the Challenger fights were a huge kick in the groin. The roster seemingly did not want me to unlock it. I ended up losing to almost

I recommend the training kit that I’ve linked below, because it includes some pretty detailed instructions on how to play, along with a mat that shows how/where everything should be set up.

I’ve been collecting Pokemon cards for 20+ years, and I never really got into doing anything with them other than slapping them in a binder. Just found out my younger cousins play... I might have to get my hands on one of these, build a deck, and wreck their shit. 

I’m always on the fence with this. On one hand, I want everything up front because, of course, I want to use new characters immediately.

I’ve really enjoyed Bethesda’s week-long attitude shift from, “we did nothing wrong” to “okay fine, we know it’s a piece of shit; here’s your promised bag.

Yeah, I suppose that you could argue that since video games are considered art, ones play-through of said game could be considered “artistic interpretation.” 

Man, Netflix is just pumping out the anime announcements this week. Evangelion, live-action Cowboy Bebop, and now Ultraman-- sign me up

I think I’m just really bad at playing it, honestly. It’s the game I love, but it just doesn’t love me back lol.

While one of my least favorite Zelda games to play, Majora’s Mask is my favorite as far as the story, music, and atmosphere goes.

I was skimming my old cards the other day and I totally have a pre-fix Japanese Jinx card. Definitely didn’t register to me as a kid... but I also grew up on old Looney Tunes shorts, which also included blatant black stereotype pre-Elmer Fudd; and that also never registered for me.

I’m not sure Jinx was intended to be racist... kinda just a misunderstanding via cultural barriers and what not. Mr. Popo’s sitting in that same boat. 

Not just a black woman-- specifically a mimic of blackface. 

I don’t really know where people’s disconnect begins. Gen 1 is a mix between kinda boring animals, weird inanimate things, and creepy humanoid monsters that everyone seems to be perfectly accepting of because their nostalgia.