I mean, that’s like step one of newspeak; remove negative connotations and only use positive identifiers.
I mean, that’s like step one of newspeak; remove negative connotations and only use positive identifiers.
I saw a few of those on the bumpers of hicks in the area. I too had a sudden urge to slash tires.
Oh yeah, for sure!
Rocket League might be the game that breaks me down into buying a pro controller for the Switch. For some reason, I kept misjudging where the buttons were, resulting in a boost when I meant to jump. It hasn’t been an issue before, but I think from from Xbone to Switch is throwing me off.
If you’ve ever played any sort of racing game to any degree, it’s relatively simple to pick up and play. After a few rounds, you should have the hang of it no problem.
Hasn’t it been generally established that Ash has a superior bond with his Pokemon to the point where he can basically know what they’re saying to him?
Man, that’s rough to hear. I work for my county’s CMH department and a good portion of our consumer population is composed of veterans. And just like everywhere else, our budget got cut by a couple million.
Dude, and that’s not even counting how many are jobless, homeless, or have mental health complications that are unable to receive proper medical services.
Rocket League on Switch? Yeah sure, I’ll buy that again.
Same. Normally I won’t do that, but after I repeated an early mission 5 times because I can’t navigate worth shit and kept getting cornered by surprise Nazis I didn’t see, I knocked it down.
This is why I always have chat disabled and only actively queue in with friends. That, and I don’t feel like listening to the garbage every Genji/Hanzo main is likely actively spewing at me while spamming [I need healing] because I refuse to leave the group to heal them on their 1-player mode adventure.
I didn’t know about that either!
I like how goofy the skeleton costume is, especially with some of the hats— clown skeleton Mario is unsettling.
I’ve had this on my radar, but there’s so much on my backlog that it’ll have to wait a little bit. I’ve got to, at least, finish killin’ nazis
“To outsiders and haters, you might look like a complete square who’s submitted themselves to the soul crushing cycles of late capitalism...”
I think of all the mini-map systems out there, BOTW’s has to be my favorite. I like to have it on screen for quick referencing without having to always open the main map, but I’m also not glued to it constantly.
I did like how huge that box set was. I might just save up and get it
10/10 would wheelchair again