
Dwight Eisenhower made one gigantic mistake as president, and there can be argument about other blunders. He overthrew, at the bidding of what would become British Petroleum, a democratically elected prime minister in Iran, a slowly but surely modernizing nation that would have been a beacon to others in the region

That’s not that bad compared to this archived footage of him last year:

+1/2 tank of gas

I did this exact think in 2014 and it was amazeballs. We drove from Louisiana to North Rim Grand Canyon, then to Dead Horse Point for trips to Arches and Canyonlands, then to Pikes Peak for the two-day climb up Barr Trail. The stars at Dead Horse Point on the overlook at night were fantastic.

Maybe CNN can persuade uber-smart Dr. Keith Ablow away from FOX?

(This is sarcasm.)

Did all of this (and more - Capitol Reef, a couple of other state parks) a couple months ago and it was one of the best trips of my life. A++ would hike again.

Hahhaha I actually posted in another about how Canyonlands is probably my favorite NP of the southwest. Dark, quiet, and just beautiful.

Just did Zion last month. Can’t wait to do that again and rope the others into the trip next time.

I love Joshua Tree, but I agree. How about you don’t fucking all decide to throw a party at a campsite with giant lights and blaring your music until midnight. I want to look at some fucking stars in peace and quiet.

My favorite joke I’ve ever made was an Edmund Fitzgerald joke that no one got.

Darren Brown is a guy who has shows in the UK in which he reveals how all kinds of such tricks are done. He’s pretty amazing and makes really sure that his audience understands how he can convince them he has ‘powers’ when he doesn’t. You can watch some of his stuff on youtube.

There are absolutely methods of proving that these people are utter frauds. Houdini was pretty damn good at it:

Go on ...

I want to be friends with your friend - she sounds amazing.

Someone tried to cold read my friend on the street once. She was laughing about it, but when he said something about her Dad being peaceful in heaven she dead stopped laughing, put on her best befuddled expression and said “Are you sure? Cause my Dad definitely killed some people.”

Thank you for this link— James Randi is doing a public service with his outspokenness against these frauds. It's interesting that he not only takes on people who knowingly trick and prey others but also those who might mean well but completely disregard science and reality in general. My sister-in-law, whom I dearly

“I do have to go on the record and say she viewed you like a sister.”

I have a close friend who worked on Long Island Medium in editing and described it as the most soul crushing experience ever. He also thought that the woman was a piece of human trash for conning people. I imagine this is quite the same.

Be careful, people of Philadelphia!