
1. Mr.

Say what you will, but Jeb has repeatedly refused to lick either the shoes or asses of famous New Yorkers.

Beast Rode

It was clearly his fault the Falcons called only 5 run plays in the second half.

When people ask me my opinion on the Death Penalty, I tell them that I’m opposed to it with the exception of Baylor’s football program.

Report: NFL Expected To Shorten Overtime

Huh, I don’t recognize that part of Union Station. But, then again, that’s not where I usually get off.


Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

Once i found a card in my brother’s truck that was signed by all his coworkers expressing condolences on the death of his father. Our dad was very much alive at the time. Yes, my brother is that guy.

i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded

The thing I find most surprising and impressive is that the Browns have only had the #1 overall pick three times in the past 18 years.

I assume the real issue is whether it was Marcus Morris and not Paul Pogba who in fact played for the Red Devils this entire season.

“We’re actually not concerned about the financials, we’re just confused why the fuck you paid so much for someone who has the same number of assists as Lucas Leiva.”

Back in college, Greg Oden would win these races all by himself.

Didn’t Red Sox players even confirm Jones’s account? I’m sure Schilling’s next response would be “Of course black players would stick up for each other” and assume all the Red Sox players who spoke up were black or whatever.

It’s Schilldingers Slur.

Everybody is starving and hungry to sit in front of a camera and talk

Reporter: “So how do you think it went tonight?”
Me: “Well, first of all, I had some eggs for breakfast. They were fine. I wanted over easy but I messed up so I went with a messy scramble. Then I went to get some OJ. I totally thought I had a carton with pulp but come to find out I only had non-pulp. So I sat and ate