No one is really arguing about the cost. It’s more the fact we’re paying for cable and can’t watch those “non-marquee” games on tv or if online/app you can only watch non-televised games and then adding the $50. .
No one is really arguing about the cost. It’s more the fact we’re paying for cable and can’t watch those “non-marquee” games on tv or if online/app you can only watch non-televised games and then adding the $50. .
Was that really Cleveland the third shot? It looked so odd and sparse. No idea what direction it was taken from.
Not sure if this is some big joke I’m not in on or what, but they showed three different shots/cities in that montage. Cleveland, Columbus, and I think Toledo but cannot confirm #3. All in for Ohio or something idk.
I read each site because they act like the other doesn’t exist.. except on rare occasions. It’s nice to have two places to go read similar material that’s viewed in different lights. I know Pres is a dick. I don’t need Samer out here telling me Pres is a dick. I came here to read about fucking tennis or why my…
I don’t know if this was inferred but I think you don’t like baseball. Which is fine.
Since you microwave bacon I expect nothing less from you.
You just blew my mind. V well could be “may-son” wow
You’re going to call yourself a “casual” fan then say the coach is garbage and you could do that? Trying to finish every check in Pitt was so stupid. Hartnell had his head up his behind Game 3 and was rightly benched. Torts benched Saad late in Game (2?). Bob had a v bad series (horrible gift goal when he dicked…
I actually enjoyed reading those. A tiny dog named Biggie Smalls? Thats laugh out loud funny. I even enjoyed your fake bio HamNo.
You always have interesting articles but this takes the cake. V mad at you for making me like this guy now. He’s a grade-A doofus and I laughed at his stories.
I’m not gonna lie, I always thought this guy was a toolbag. But I actually laughed out load to these stories and this kinda makes me like him. It’s also late so yeah.
I know this will be in the minority and the greys, but the Dembele’s punked me bad a few months ago. Really wondered why everyone was talking about Mousa’s future and upside.
All I’m saying is let’s not talk about some bro in a humvee and act like it’s a scandal. Liberals just toss the energy around far too much. Focus focus focus. Fuxk this kid and his flag, hence “move along”, and talk about the goddamn cabinet issues or other shit in a factual manner. I don’t agree with it at all, but…
Noooo easy Steve. Just saying if this came up everyone would just be flipped. Trump’s a goddamn asshole but I want to argue about real shit like how all the Dems folded like lawn chairs with the nominees, not some bro with a flag. Can’t waste the energy in this bullshit
Obama flag and everyone who has an opinion / feeling about this would have the opposite opinion. Move along.
I mean the police didn’t want to help out for certain events in Cleveland after a Browns player made some rash twit/insta posts. I think they could not provide coverage for a President?
wouldnt have changed anything sadly
Every time I see your picture / handle / tag / whatever I think it’s Judge Reinhold. Also, I like those wafers too.
The river flows. The mountain sits. One is not right, one is not wrong: they just are.
true. UAB is pretty deece yeah?