
“would get in the way of them being students first and foremost, and athletes second.”

I’ll have to remember these words of wisdom from the Ohio State and Stanford presidents tomorrow night when I’m watching Malik Hooker and Marshon Lattimore of Ohio State and Christian McCaffrey and Solomon Thomas of Stanford each

My immediate thought:

K but did the first Easter even really take place in April? Was April a thing yet in the ancient days when people were nailed to crosses?

Yeah but have any of these eggheads managed to bankrupt a casino?

English food bad? That’s a Hull of a hot take.

It’s written as US vs. Jamaica. Home team is always written last, bro.

This took place in Florida...that is all the extra info you need.

I’ll never forget watching Jake Brown’s shoes get blown off when he hit the bottom of the ramp during the X-Games in 2007 and thinking, “Holy shit, he died.” And that was almost ten years ago!


Tim Kaine voted yes on every nominee? WTF?! Our almost vice president, ladies and gentlemen!

Its black history month so let me take this opportunity to talk about me and how unfair the press is and let me name check a few token well-known black folks, inner cities and scene.

This is a strained analogy, but bear with me: Remember the swine flu from a few years back? They warned us it would be bad, took extra measures to make sure everyone got vaccinated, etc.? And then, relatively few people got sick — and for two years after that I heard people say the risk was overblown, it was all

Did he win?

Tom’s just scared because he married an immigrant. One who probably took modeling jobs from needy U.S. models.

Go Falcons.

You said they were “Identical Twins.”

When I hit my 70s I’m going to play the doddering-old-fool thing to the hilt and steal soooo much shit.

no joke, that’s how i read the title the first time.

-Every landlord in Manhattan

Come on, if you have to explain to everyone why you didn’t get burned, you got burned. Even if it was a stupid burn. It’s okay. He’s still a douche.

So uh.

We all just going to ignore the fact that the son was included at the beginning, and excluded at the end?

I was looking for the foot note that read “Unfortunately her son was impaled onto a large tree branch a short distance away”