
Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor

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Was tempted to do the whoas. I always love a good whoa band. Have any favorites?

One trillion dollars could buy a heart, a soul.

That sentiment was “Jesus came to the United States where he told us to have multiple wives.”

Let this be a warning to all the other Trump sycophants - the moment he no longer has any use for you, you cease to exist to him.

Lord knows no one is going to hold that against this particular illegal immigrant.

That’s fine. Trump doesn’t need to tweet now. He’ll just use push notifications to buzz every single cellphone in America whenever he’s having a crazy thought.

Oh, you can. You (legally) funnel money via things like government contracts to companies you’ll benefit from (maybe even companies you’ll head up) once you’re out of office and shit like that.

McDavid and I have a lot in common. I also scored when I was a sophomore, and it was over in less than 3 seconds.

He never got a ring, but how is Mussina stuck where he is? Dude hasn’t posted a single anti-Muslim meme...

Dear Jorge,

Trump probably just wanted to learn how boxers make their hands look so big.

Maybe Goodell just doesn’t think Brady is a legitimate quarterback.

“Old man doesn’t understand how voting works, wants someone to tell him how to feel about things: The story of the 2016 Election.”

Pretty sure Draymond left East Lansing 5 years ago.

Mock up of a new logo

Breaking: In keeping with new technology, the Chargers have announced a new logo.

It should only play in theatres in Branson, Mo., where people can buy their $45 bedazzled Boston Strong shirts after the movie.