The law has failed here, honest people have been stolen from and their livelihoods threatened.
The law has failed here, honest people have been stolen from and their livelihoods threatened.
Well.. I mean he literally diffused the situation to the point that it’s spread all over the internet now... so he’s technically correct?
which show Dickens asking for an explanation as to why the payments were late.
No stolen strawberries, No Mutiny.
Bari Weiss and Brett Stephens would like to remind you that while this is all certainly unfortunate, some people on the left have suggested the Israeli government is doing bad things, and as such the problem really lies on both sides.
He got someone to fuck him...
It’s like a facial wreath that you are awarded for never bringing a woman to orgasm.
Why do chinless conservative dorks like Miller and Seb Gorka think a goatee makes them look distinguished instead of making their mouth look like a bear’s asshole?
Not even gonna lie to you, this Christmas suit absolutely fuckin’ slaps
I’ve lived in and around NYC all my life. Trump is such an outer-buroughs goombah( tacky, dumb, cheap, a thin -skinned bully, racist and narcissist) it’s astounding.
Minimum charge, m’friend. Minimum charge. I’m sort of like an Uber with a luber.
An MLS blog that is honest about what it is but also complimentary of the entertainment the game provided?
*Checks author*
I’m convinced part of Trump’s view is “why spend all this money on nukes if we’re not going to use them.” Of course, sane people think we shouldn’t spend money, Trump thinks we should use them.
What? And have to come within arms length of the people who actually voted for him? Not. Gonna. Happen.
He especially liked that whole five women for every man in the mineshafts scenario. That’s one of the reasons he’s got such a hard-on for coal mining.
I was JUST listening to something about the super volcano and got so excited. Magma doesn’t care about political parties, it only cares about evisceration.
If he drops his diet Coke for rainwater and pure grain alcohol, we know that's it.
Stop Mr Big brain knows it possible he watched that movie geostorm. Geez I wrote that and now realize he may have watched that movie and thought they were on to something. We are doomed.
Oh lovely desk dent... You are my only friend, desk dent. You fit my forehead perfectly and more perfectly every time I read a Trump story. Don’t ever leave me desk dent. I don’t think my walls can take it.
I’ve only witnessed one actual dumpster fire up close and personal. Luckily no one and nothing was hurt and it was at an Indian grocery so it smelled amazing. Unless one happens at an incense and oils place it’s going to be hard to beat.