Just a follow-on to paragraph one, above. Today’s BBC ran the story head, “Arsenal to offer counselling [sic] to ‘devastated’ Xhaka after confrontation with fans.”
Just a follow-on to paragraph one, above. Today’s BBC ran the story head, “Arsenal to offer counselling [sic] to ‘devastated’ Xhaka after confrontation with fans.”
Nearly all merpeeps (including those in the lede photo) exhibit transverse tail fins, rather than vertical. That places them squarely in the mammal/cetacean family, Hermann Melville be damned.
“Coming up: A sworn enemy of American democracy is trapped in his tunnel like a rat! Using his three favorite children as a shield, he detonates a suicide vest rather than be taken alive. But enough on impeachment proceedings — let’s turn to the situation in Syria.”
More like ‘a way of life.’
Kinda makes you wonder of Spoogefeller borrowed the money to buy G/O from a certain blood-transfusing, boy-renting, RNC speed-freaking VC person. Cuz if you were to map out a “destroyed by a fratboy Fifth Column because Hulk Hogan was too busy dogging his buddy’s wife” strategy for wrecking this joint, it would look a …
Yeah, giving the armband to a sulky player to try to sooth their petulance is liable to fail. “Nicolas Anelka — we’ve voted you captain in hopes you will quit moping and run a little.” TBF, blaming everyone except the players for shitty outcomes is sort of an Arsenal tradition. It’s the refs, it’s the pitch, it’s the…
Carli Lloyd, check yer inbox.
Right! Eww? Eww. Jones is fortunate he tried this little stunt in New Mexico, rather than here in Wyoming. Cuz the way our weather’s been, he’d be getting treated for frostbite about now.
Dark Ages Europe had illuminated manuscripts. We have sauced rat. Keep the flame alive!
Typical Denver commute, really.
Lift kits. Them busses gonna need lift kits to fit all these people under em.
There’s a speakerphone exception in the federal criminal code. No hands, no crime.
If you insert enuf of it, yeah. You will get fission! No further science required. Funny story about Richard Feynman, who was sent to the Oak Ridge labs to assess their safety protocols. During walk-through, he ran some mental calculations & said to the officers: You realize this warehouse is about three barrels short…
What I’d do is, I’d find a nice powerful magnet & magnetize all those fucking nails. Stack ‘em fifty high!
Fentanyl may be cheap, but a 3g-a-day cocaine habit isn’t.
They keep old & deleted emails in slightly damp cardboard boxes in an abandoned U-Stor-It twenty miles downwind of Chernobyl. Your emails, my emails, Hillary’s emails. Bulk storage of used bandwidth is a big part of the Ukrainian economy. For example, all of MySpace is crammed in a trundle bin under Yulia Tymoshenko’s…
Mitt Romney admitted to feeling troubled. I expect Susan Collins is concerned, Chuck Schumer wishes we could all be friends, Steny Hoyer fell asleep at his desk, and Mitch McTurtle drawled the Senate has better things to do than investigate a sitting President for solicitation of a felony.
Do you want me to write a book length response here?