Ellis Dean

I disagree, but I respect your opinion. I just don’t think the author’s position is ambiguous or hedging here, even just the sentence: ‘the message as seen in “Anti-Hero” only reiterates this standard, and does nothing to challenge or dismantle it’ makes her stance pretty clear to me.

Jesus Christ, fat people need to shut the fuck up about other people’s experiences. I have gotten fat in recent years, and I hate it. I used to feel strong, fast, and healthy, and now my clothes don’t fit, I’m slower to do most things, I can’t even carry groceries into my apartment without tiring myself out. Being fat

This whole “controversy” basically just boils down to “how dare Taylor Swift have/talk about insecurities, doesn’t she know she’s one of the beautiful privileged people?” These people can fuck right off. On the bright side, they’re clearly labeling themselves as “people whose opinions aren’t worth a damn”, so at least

This is one of the most obnoxious, bloodthirsty, self-righteous articles I’ve read on here. This almost rivals the Ellie Kemper fiasco for ‘AV Club author desperately reaches to impugn artist’s character’ vibes.

This. That was exactly my takeaway from this moment in the video. No surprise that Gabrielle came away with this dumb take.  


Body issues can happen to anyone, even the thin and fit. Despite being one of “the beautiful people,” they can see themselves as not. I am guessing that is what the scene is trying to portray. And it is accurate for some with this disease, as many who are thin see themselves as “fat and disgusting,” leading to things

These threads would be a lot less interesting if people did that.

Meh...you could find something more entertaining to write about this is lazy.

I would like to see us move away from automatic flag waving responses and really get into this. The entire spectrum of genderqueer people are badly served by taxonomic literalists that won’t accept any nuance between trans and and cis experiences.

I still do.  Fuck you.

Money makes people abrogate a lot of their personal values and scruples.  

I take it “slavery was a choice” wasn’t enough reason to dump this asshole 4 years ago?

Sure he hated you less, Rob.

Damn. You can’t watch that movie without coming away with the impression that this was a guy who’d faced a lot of troubles but was now trying his best to come out of it with positivity and a genuine desire to help his friends.

Kevin Smith did try to grow beyond the ViewAskewniverse, Jay and Silent Bob, all of that. And he got smacked around. Rather than deal with more of that, he decided to drop back and stay with what worked, as a filmmaker. Then he discovered that talking about it was even better gig than _doing_ it.

He immediately lost my interest with the clickbait “SNL stole my video” video title (when he admits as much that it’s unlikely.) “Hey one family member of that creepy toilet-paper obsessed bear tribe doesn’t want to do it” is something I would come up with in two minutes of spitballing “we have to do a Charmin sketch.”

While it would have been funny for the sketch to focus on the less-desirable aspects of the multiplex...

No, it wouldn’t have, and most likely had they done it? You’d call it out for being pedantic.

It’s sad when these reviews are as much on autopilot as you deemed it to SNL.

But please, ask about Cecily a few more

I know everyone is going to tar and feather me but I actually liked the cold open.

The reviewer just had to make the comparisons of the movie with Green Book for...reasons, I guess? So...Efron is the goomba doorman, and the beer is the black pianist?