Ellis Dean

I’m all in for a baffling, batshit-crazy 133 minutes from the guy who brought us a baffling, batshit crazy 153 minute take on the nearly-unreadable “Heart of Darkness” and turned it into pure art.

I wonder if that anonymous studio head also thought that having some chick from Sacramento write and direct a movie about a

OK, so two things:

1) Yeah, people aren’t going to be telling AI to have ScarJo eat pasta.

2) These early-stage AI vids are basically like peak visuals after an heroic dose of psychedelics.  I love it.

I understand why Metallica did what they did, and seeing how Spotify rips off the artists, they were prescient.

Unfortunately they were also vanguards in demonstrating how internet opinion could turn overnight and kill their image.  It’s a shame they didn’t craft their message to be a little more effective to address


I don’t feel sorry for anybody dumb enough to fall for any of the crypto scams. NFTs, FTX, etc. If you lost money in this you deserve every second of misery.

It’s like the Bernie Madoff “victims”; “Oh, we thought our 20% returns were totally legitimate!” Sorry folks. There’s no free lunch...except, ironically

This legit bums me out. I thought the Noel & Matt chemistry was really good and I never really understood the hate for him from some of the more rabid fans (other than the usual “It’s *different* than Mel & Sue! Different things are scary and make me uncomfortable!”)

I hope whoever they pick to replace Matt is someone

Andor was the best Disney-era Star Wars output since Rogue One. That’s a full-on fact. 

Will Smith can obviously go f- himself (since Jada won’t, right?), but it disappoints me that Trevor Noah gave him a platform from which he could spew his bullshit. I guess it’s all part & parcel of the media circus and the hype train for the new Will Smith movie thing. But it’s still disappointing that we have to

THIS JUST IN: Complete lack of human empathy from internet commenter just because they harbor a mild dislike of someone.

All of this results in eyeballs on the screen. That’s what it’s all about. The writers who are “making a stand” are really giving Dave exactly what he wants: free publicity and material. Also, they’re hurting their career chances.

I’m mad at words.

I mean, let’s be realistic here: AMC is hemorrhaging cash and the C-suite has (probably) recognized that most people don’t want to spend $12 for a ticket to see yet another superhero movie. They asked for some “brainstorming” over the course of a million meetings, and Zoom Rooms are the “best| thing that they could

Look, if it’s not about getting an internet mob together to wave their digital pitchforks and torches at a public figure who fails to pass the “more progressive-than-thou” purity test, AV Club is going to have a test lab rhesus monkey proofread.

It does.  It means Little Steven will be focusing on his next album with Bruce Springsteen: “Bjorn to Run”.

There are probably 20 women on the entire planet right now who can legitimately identify with Taylor Swift’s body image pressures on the same scale. Nobody...especially not an AVClub “critic”...knows what that woman is going through on a day-to-day basis in terms of body image, and the minute she tries to do something

Well, it’s the AVClub. Lazy articles about outrage, virtue-signaling, and purity tests for all public figures is their motto nowadays, right?

And here I am, smug AF because I never gave that sham “artist” one red cent.

Profitable != Better

God, Rob Schneider is really the worst of the worst, isn’t he?  Zero self-awareness.  

Clearly, every film now has to tackle complex subjects with sensitivity and appropriate levels of representation at all levels. Each film needs to educate and illuminate in every respect lest it praises a (gasp!) “white savior”.

So besides the fact that this is a Danish fairy tale, and essentially every Dane is whiter than rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm, I think the major challenge here for everybody is that Disney insists on fixing what isn’t broken. Rebooting their IP is honestly such a transparent coke-fueled C-level decision that I