Ellis Dean

Good lord, I must be old because a week ago I didn’t know who half of these people were, but now I want them all launched into the sun.

And yet here we are in the AV Club comment section with a pile of post-humor jokeologists explaining why the wildly successful Chris Rock isn’t funny because of a joke taken out of context and written on a web site.

Now I feel even more confident that spending money on a quality VPN is better than paying for HBO Max.  Why reward this sort of decision making?

Take a deep breath and go outside.  You are taking this way too seriously.  It’s a commercial from another continent, not a manifesto on living.

This is hilarious. People are losing their minds because Smith keeps rehashing the same stuff for the same group of fans from ‘94.

+1. They could take that entire Lloyd Alexander series and do it properly and there would be very few “purist” fans out there to raise a fuss.

He does his homework on many of his guests; the ones that are foisted on him by publicists and managers can sometimes lack depth, but oh well. What do you want for free?

I mean, I get it; his movies are basically meant for huge screens and earsplitting sound systems. They’re big-production action adventure “events”. That’s what he does. Also considering his own personal and financial stake in his films, it’s absolutely understandable. I saw Dune in the theater mainly because if that

You’re looking for any writing skills beyond a dated-before-the-send-button-was-clicked Thanks, white people, for saving us from the Plague!” line? An Austin Powers riff is Woody Allen-level writing compared to this article.

Man, I really went through some personal mental gymnastics trying to convince myself that the ending “worked”.  After spending so much time with that show and liking the characters...that ending was a bridge too far.  My wife was furious.

OK, so now the question becomes: who sounds craziest? Denzel’s quote here, or Smith’s acceptance speech? They must have had PCP in the hand sanitizer at the Oscars.

Ah yes, let’s make fun of the two guys with long-running late night talk shows. Clearly they should aim to have more of a visceral cultural impact like, say, an AV Club writer.

Also completely insane.  Did you listen to that speech?  He an Kanye must be drinking from the same bottled water delivery service from Sandoz labratories.

I think it was also about her green dress looking like camouflage along with her bald head. It was a joke. Get over it. Good lord, committing assault and battery in front of 20 million witnesses, still winning a major award, and leaving the place NOT in handcuffs might be the most priviledged series of events ever.

Wait, you mean to tell me a movie about Wonder Woman isn’t factually accurate?  Oh dear...

Good lord, people are still talking about this?

What a shocker...a 78 year old guy from Sacramento doesn’t like movies about gay cowboys. Let me break out my *special* “clutchin’ pearls” for this one...

I mean, the car chase is great...but Ronin alone has three car chases that are better.

there’s an inherent unethicality to anything so obviously predatory that could only survive by finding a customer base consisting entirely of people that freaking stupid.”

Thank you for your commitment to notifying us about your lack of interest.  I have logged your apathy in my dream journal.  Next question: what did you have for breakfast?