Ellis Dean

Oh, don’t worry...the franchise is probably in pre-production for Hulu.

Great flick...as long as you cut out every frame having to deal with Hanna’s personal life. I get that they want to convey how dedicated & driven Hanna is, but does Western civilization need any more stories about how a cop’s personal life is in shambles and their spouses/children become neglected? The trope was

An article about an insane rich person and a slightly less mentally damaged person with a big pee pee? And they’re fighting over a woman with a fake butt?

They could use a more accurate description, like “Adult Virgins”, or “Not Even Cool Enough for the Adult Kickball League”.

George kept showing up for years with good, solid material. And Lennon/McCartney shoved him aside. Yes, it was the L/M songwriting duo, but surely they could’ve given him more than two songs per album. That’s the reason why “All Things Must Pass” is a massive two disc affair...it was a creative backlog.

Don’t get down on yourself about it; San Jose is really a place people “end up” because all the other places in the Bay Area are full. Nobody actually seeks it out as a destination.

I thought the “ending” was great. It was a fantastic “F-U” to people who need things wrapped up with a bow. The entire *series* was loose ends; too many to list, but the most obvious one is “Pine Barrens”.

Dune isn’t as beloved. Its dense and, frankly, very boring in parts and probably 100-150 pages too long.”

Thanks, I hate it.

Well, if she wants to adjust to her reality, she actually does have to get over it.

The first book is incredible.  It’s only “crushingly boring” if you don’t have an imagination or hate books that are longer than 300 pages.

But scheming and manipulative was how the Bene Gesserit were in the books...all the way to the end. That’s the story. If you want a different story, watch a different movie.

A Hollywood director...with an EGO, you say?

You’re hoping the guy in a full-body sleeping bag who is having a mental meltdown in full public view...dials it down?

No reasonable person (even stoned) will think that SBC endorsed some random Massachusetts dispensary. But, y’know, Solar Therapeutics were HIGH if they thought they could use the likeness of one of the more popular comedic characters in recent history without legal repercussions.

Dude, it’s TikTok, not a cure for cancer. Get a grip. The whole site could be nuked and there would be exactly zero net change in what is actually going on in the real world.

Go buy a lottery ticket, Matt. You got PAID to write an article about a terrible movie, making it out to be more than it ever could be...and THEY BOUGHT IT.  You lucky dog, you.

You could not be more correct.

And ironically, the two best examples of “timeless” & inoffensive standup are two of the current comedy pariahs: Cosby and Woody Allen.

“Delirious” is the first thing that comes to mind every time someone says that some comedy doesn’t age well.