Ellis Dean

You really think a kneejerk apology is “genuine introspection and an honest effort” and not a PR slug doing tip-top damage control? Oh, sweetheart, I have some bad news for you...

It’s so ridiculous watching companies try to legitimize NFTs. Like, three years ago everything was “blockchain”. Now it’s NFTs. They’re both just different parts of a massive money laundering ecosystem, and people who aren’t selling drugs (or trafficked people) have absolutely zero legitimate need for an unregulated

“The first family of TikTok”?  Are you TRYING to drive people away?

I just hope Frusciante was able to get a chunk for himself. I don’t know how the Chilis divvied up the credits (esp. with John bouncing in & out of the band over the course of decades) but JF gave them the soul that they needed to become a very, very big band. As overplayed as it is, BSSM is one of the best damned

Oh, so the guy who was in a movie about killer ants, aliens, and Nazis all mixed together is complaining about goddamned *Blade Runner*?

OK, so I’ve been “over” Tiger King for a good 11 months now, but...I’ve gotta admit...this is inspired casting and I will totally watch this.

I mean...thumbs up to the Grammys for getting 1,000 people to watch it AND care enough about whatever tf was on the screen that they saw fit to burn energy and complain. Honestly, the fact that the Grammys are still “a thing” and that people are still somehow offended by anything broadcast on CBS makes me believe I’m

I mean, good for him I guess. “Coming out” doesn’t quite have the punch that it did even 20 years ago (and not even close to a 70's or 80's outing), but I’m sure it still took courage. I can’t imagine being a person who really cares what a grown-ass adult does in their private life, but we’ve got ~370 million people

Just about everything NatLamp did from 73 until about...say...80 was excellent (although I really love the stratospheric insanity of Evil Clown comics from the late 80s). Grossly offensive and impossible with today’s purity tests, yes, but it was the most cutting edge (semi) major magazine of its time.

Closed captioning won’t save the film from the laughable “backwards” fighting sequences and the completely nonsensical third act. While Inception was complicated, it could be followed and enjoyed. Tenet was written like Nolan started microdosing on page 1 and he upped his intake every day.

No, you’re not missing something. The 80's/early 90's were a golden age for schlock horror; and really, for a movie called “Hellraiser”, it really wasn’t nearly as “satanic” as, say, The Exorcist. And really there were *so many* horror movies on the shelves at one’s local video rental place that any crayon-eater from

But no disclaimer on the episode where Paul Williams does fat rails off of the Swedish Chef’s cutting board then proceeds to scream at Scooter for 20 minutes about how Phantom of the Paradise should’ve won an Oscar?

Well, I mean, people also voted for Trump and think that the election was “stolen”, so there’s plenty of stupid going around these days. Of all the offenses committed by crayon-eaters recently, this “Via Getty” thing is pretty light.

This garbage is why people pirate media.

As long as we get a patented Odenkirk Mr.Show-era “God DAMN IT!” somewhere in there, I’m happy.

Because what gives “them” the right to decide for other people what’s acceptable or unacceptable? Who put “them” in charge?

Chang is a bit of an a-hole (what high profile chef isn’t, though? Ripert is an exception...) but he’s been really vocal about how broken the restaurant system in the US is, as well as criticizing the (lack of) Federal response to COVID. Since he’s a *successful* business owner (as opposed to certain “leaders” who

People love shitting on James Woods because of his crazy right wing blathering, and yeah...I get it. He’s an ass.

Rogan: “And the categories...AGAIN...are Heat Shock Proteins...Elk Meat...DMT...What Jamie Pulls Up...It’s Entirely Possible...and Back When I Was Hanging With Kinison. Mr. West, you start the round.

This is such an incredible documentary. Herzog’s work with Kinski is pretty impressive, but IMHO you can watch “Fitzcarraldo” and “Aguirre” and call it good. “My Best Fiend” is an excellent work about a filmmaker and an actor both being striving to be “their best authentic selves” while still doing work in the real