Ellis Dean

We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

Exactly. Huntsville, AL has one of the highest percentage of PhD holders per capita due to the presence of the space program there. Guess how they voted?

Pattinson’s performance was my favorite part, actually.  The movie was a high-tech dumpster fire of plot holes and complete confusion.  And the backwards fights were silly AF.

No, you won’t be happy viewing this at home.  I promise.

Uh, the first hint that Quibi was going to fail was the fact that Meg Whitman was the other co-founder.  Everything she touches turns into a dumpster fire.

I’m on board.

Big egos...cocaine...the late 70's/early80's...cocaine...what could possibly go wrong?

Unfortunately, Tenet alone won’t save theaters...mostly because it was a ridiculous mess. The pushing out of the new Bond & Dune to late 2021 are the additional nails in the coffin...with WW84 being the only remaining “blockbuster” with plans as of yet to be released this year (Narrator: “It won’t.”)

Look, I think a lot of people mistake what a director does...including Wang.

The funny thing is that NBC thinks that this will provide an incentive for people to subscribe to Peecock Premium.

I totally understand if people didn’t dig the series, even if they were fans of the movie.

Well yeah, but Jodorowsky didn’t even read the book. Jodorowsky adapting ANY book is fairly ridiculous. You can’t compare a big budget sci fi film to, say, Holy Mountain. I mean you CAN (“On the one hand, the big budget film has far fewer exploding toads dressed as conquistadors...”) but let’s not dump all over

I agree. Look, I’m a 46 year old American male; I love the movies (except the prequels). I grew up loving Star Wars. But it’s not...like...a lifestyle. There are plot holes, there is hokey writing at times...who cares? It’s sci fi fun.  People need to get some perspective. 

Well, the *best* use of his time now is building a wine empire.  That’s done, he can’t make movies anymore (because nobody will bankroll his albatrosses that inevitably cost as much as a small country’s military budget) so he might as well go to the darkest blemish on his otherwise good track record and see if he can

As long as he gets the “I can handle things...I’m SMAHT, not like everybody says!” line in at some point, I’ll allow it.

Her “Daddy?” line when she was shot on the steps (uh, 30 year-old spoiler?) was the worst. I mean, was THAT the best take? Damn, Francis, you’ll let Brando ad lib for hours in the Philippine jungle, but maybe you could get Sofia to do another two or three one-word takes so the audience wouldn’t actually CHEER when she

He should get more time to explain the lies and walk through why they are false.”

No, but I think the cumulative IQ is somewhere around my age.

Have you fully vetted all of your friends, though? I mean, the whole Louis thing happened because of his fame (and Dave Becky being a jerk). Your friends, though...unless they draw water like Louis CK, I don’t think anybody’s going to care what any of your friends did in college...or on that business trip...or

Weber “the artist” has only returned with more criticism because he’s been digging himself out from under the pile of money he made from licensing...