Ellis Dean

What happened to Gadd was awful. The fact that people took his story and immediately turned it into an exploitative media sensation is awful.

“Sometimes, it’s okay to just appreciate a piece of art for what it is and stop trying to dig any further.”

Harder to watch than any other Piers Morgan interview? I don’t know a single thing about this guest, but a 54 minute Piers Morgan interview is already impossible to watch. A 54 second interview would be unbearable.

well I guess the important thing is to promote the interview by linking to it and making claims to be concerned for this woman's mental health

It’s weird that you say the film is divisive and then list several extremely positive reviews and then one negative review from a single fucking studio exec too cowardly to say who he is

you’re not wrong but it just reeks of laziness and being a boring loser.

An “anonymous studio head” hates it? Sounds right up my alley.

Anybody who puts P&A behind it, you’re going to lose money.

I feel like a lot of people must have known this would happen, but that they were either afraid to speak up (nobody wants to say “people are going to fuck this popcorn box” in a meeting), or the suits didn’t listen.

Did they get it wrong tho?  I’d have got one for the lolz alone.

Day #3391 of being grateful that the modern Internet and social media were not available when I was a teenager.

The report also includes quotes from colleagues who allege that “other than voice work,” Roiland “has not had any meaningful creative presence on any of the series that bear his name.”

LOL no shit, heck that even got a Simpson reference.

Never show those people "Naked Lunch." 

dirtside, attorney at law!

Ana de Armas is gorgeous.

It should be illegal to cut Ana de Armas from the movie. I support a law for that.

When I was in junior high, everybody came out of Titanic with a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio, but Kate Winslet was something else entirely. She was like a totemic embodiment of femininity. 

I do not want to be reductive because she’s an incredible talent, but that’s also not the point of the article so I have no reservations about saying: fuuuuuck any of these industry types who did this kind of shit to one of the most smoking hot, gorgeous women in movies. It boggles the mind anyone could look at Kate

Star Wars coverage continues to be insufferable from all angles.