Ellis Dean

That’s assuming that there’ll be Oscars.  At best, a vaccine will just be getting to the general public in January.  It would be wiser for the academy to scrap it and lump 2020 in with 2021.  That way they can justify the 4 hour running time...

Portia might melt under the stage lights with all the work she’s had...

I think a lot of it is relative perspective; like, every network programming exec is a sleazebag, right? Or most are. Enough of them are grabby, cokehead Chads who think they’re god’s gift to whomever. So they hear that D’Elia is a “hound” they probably think “fuck yeah, just like me!” And when they hear that D’Elia

I really don’t see how it’s cruel to wish harm on these people.

I’m tired of being furious.  I wish other people were too, because we might not have these turds.

Yep, there’s your “well-regulated” militia: two crazy, racist white lawyers with garbage trigger discipline afraid of “coloreds” entering their neighborhood. I’m glad that we’re on Day 1 of the doxxing. This will be entertaining.

You’re really...*really*...overthinking this show, dude.  It’s a 30-minute comedy TV show.  What were you seriously expecting, The Wire?

Why, surely the AV Club’s financial reporting is not to blame... /s

I saw Mallrats in the theater.  It was...ok.  But the DVD commentary is goddamned GOLD.

Muh fuh “Garbage Man” slaps

My god, “Star Wars superfans” are just terrible. They’re just movies, man. Get over it.

Those of us old enough to remember the public dumpster fire when this happened...and the subsequent numerous investigations that showed Mia was not correct...are seeing this the same way King is.

Uh, like which car chase in Ronin? There are two biggies: Villefranche-sur-Mer and Paris. You could actually count the one at the very beginning, although that’s less a chase and more of an escape (although enough of one to where Sean Bean gets carsick).

A Blackberry.

Yeah, but the real story here is that not only are Steak-Umms still around, they also have a sassy social media presence.

Obviously Spinal Tap is up there...just too much excellence.  But I’m going to go super-old school (older than Tap) and call out the National Lampoon Radio Hour, which had incredible parodies of artists, like “Methadone Maintenance Man” or “Highway Toes” that sounded like James Taylor, or “Southern California Brings

Billy Porter will now be known as Orville Peckerwood.

Well in that case it’s extremely accurate.

Don’t read this. It’s a terrible recap of an 80-minute discussion. Rogan does a good job with RDJ and it’s an enjoyable episode of his podcast.  This is all about making a mountain out of a 12 year-old molehill.

Some people might find that “problematic”.