Ellis Dean

Look, man...gotta make that 15 minutes of fame pay off, even if it is through CafePress mugs n’ shirts.

That made me irrationally angry.

Why hasn’t Johnny “aged well”? He was flaming in the film...but he wasn’t hamming it up...he was flaming in real life. Really.

Yeah, but yo mamma did a great job as Jabba’s stunt double on the sail barge, yo.

Meh. We had a chonk that was very similar to Cinderblock (though he wasn’t quite as big, he still clocked in at ~16lbs). He passed away in August at 17, not because of his chonkitude, nor any side effects of his rotund nature. Yes, one chonk does not represent all, but let’s tap the breaks on fat shaming cats. They’re

I dunno, man...I was at Eggslut in Vegas, and the giant 300lb black guy working the flattop was getting DOWN to Eazy-E and early 90's Ice Cube. And it was *blasting* for a 6am breakfast visit (think like 70dBs).

Fourteen whole days! My god, when she comes out she’ll have a teardrop tattoo and be an expert at toilet bowl pruno.

Not every movie has to be a “hard hitting expose” into the id of the political zeitgeist. Some movies are just supposed to be funny, slightly sweet, and an escape, no matter how trite or predictable the plot might be (oh, Jews hiding and then the protagonist falls in love with the one he’s supposed to hate...didn’t

Would it matter that he actually DID serve time (90 days in Chino; release after court-ordered psychological evaluation), and the only reason why he fled was because word came down that the judge was going to reneg on HIS word and throw the book at him at the sentencing? I’m not defending Roman’s actions, but in the

Sweet.  Thanks for the update.  I was hoping you’d chime in on a comedian you clearly don’t care about.

Well, it was the biggest “person talking” special of the year last year. There were about six good lines in the first half. The last is just a person talking at you while occasionally pitching up at the end of her comments to indicate “this is where you laugh, dummies.” I mean, for the screeching hordes demanding woke

Nobody said it’s off-limits, per se. It’s more an example of “here is just how insanely out of touch and completely oblivious the whole Jenner crew is; the hyper-rich are dumb as luggage”. Nobody’s saying they SHOULDN’T. It’s just, like, tacky on a whole new level.

Plus, nowadays you’d be picking plastic out of your teeth after every bite.

That’s exactly what I think it is. Yes, the optics of “his deedsare bad, but not Weinstein-bad. Not even Louis CK or Anthony Weiner bad.

That’s cool...I’ll take the malaria.

No dummy, you don’t have to support them. You have to support their RIGHT to do as they wish, because they aren’t harming you.

VV is absolutely Gen X, but it’s hard to bash two generations at once and make it sound “cool”.

Sooo....is it ok if I torrent the flick, then?

Or, rather: “Absurdly rich movie producer complains that he doesn’t make as much money in this new thing than he did in the old thing. Complains.”

You know where this is headed, right? A Lorne-produced sitcom starring John and Pete that will be on a “30 Rock” level of comedy writing.  But Pete’s flakiness will lead it to be cancelled after two seasons.  And then more jokes will be made on late night about how Pete screwed up a great thing...