Ellis Dean

Oh my god Busy’s voice isn’t just vocal fry...it’s literally vocal napalm. It’s like pure, concentrated bridal shower voice.

Yes, let’s “pretend” everybody hates him...

No, but we can point out that you don’t have a sense of humor.

Of all time? Raiders of the Lost Ark...practically the first VHS tape we bought when I was a kid back when it was released on tape in 83. It had a “Temple of Doom coming soon to a theater near you in May 1984!” blurb at the beginning of the tape. I saw that at least once a week for probably three or four years.

I remember seeing Clue MULTIPLE TIMES in the theater...because of the GIMMICK endings. And it worked, damnit.

Is it at all possible to be a fan of comedy, to be “woke” (e.g. regularly attend women’s marches and donate to the UNCF & ACLU, for example) yet still find Nanette painfully unfunny? I mean, I know I have the unmitigated audacity to own a penis (shame on me, indeed) but can we just be brave enough to say that this

Exactly. While he was probably too incompetent to even keep a general ledger in the first place, NOT keeping any books was probably the unintentionally smartest move he made in this entire cluster.

Regrettably, I’m on the internet for most of the working day...but I think that gives me *some* insight into some kind of North American Gen-X male internet zeitgeist, or whatever.

Not for nothin’, but he has the right perspective.

Saw a lot of stuff this year, but the top three performances I saw were likely the following (in no particular order of importance or awesomeness, but they were all top 3):

Just stop.  Stop reporting on Kanye.  His musical output barely warrants a fraction of the attention you insist on giving him.  Stop.

Really, though...would Greek pensioner meat be the WORST thing served at Arby’s?

Boy, 2018 just can’t stop being 2018, can it?

Nobody’s watching the show...it’s on Comedy Central and it’s not a cartoon.

I dunno, the most “DAD” thing he could’ve done was yell his trademark “God-DAMNIT” a la Season 2, Episode 2 in the “Mom & Pop Porn Shop” bit. 

It’s not a matter of “giving” him power; he’s already got it. The genie is out of the bottle on that one.

Jeez...these articles are getting Buzzfeedier and Buzzfeedier. I can *HEAR* the smarmy vocal fry while reading this...

I think Lauer is damaged goods forever. The allegations are too damning.

So...if this is “too soon”, what’s the acceptable punishment? How long does someone not get to work in their field of professional excellence? Ten months? Ten years? Eternity?

Well, (taking into consideration NONE of us are experts on this and really only Ottavia, Tom Vitale, and Eric Ripert are close enough to speak with authority on it), while Asia is a terrible human being, I’m hanging on to my theory that Bourdain’s use of Chantix was more of a contributing factor than dating a harpy.