Ellis Dean

Well THIS article sure brought out the discussion. Clearly, there are two sides to this:

I loved his character on Silicon Valley. He fit that role extremely well.

All these 80's show reboots and I’m wondering when we’ll hear about a second coming of Cheers...with...(and get this)...Ted Danson as Coach.

It’s mental illness (including documented multiple personality disorder) plus Ambien. I mean, isn’t this obvious? Roseanne was a takedown that people wanted because her show was focused on Trump supporters. It was popular. And that pissed people off. Her idiotic Ambien-induced tweet was the opening that everybody was

Yeah, picking on Guy Fieri nowadays is kind of punching down; he knows who he is. For a guy who absolutely encapsulates the “pork cracklins/Cabo” jab, he is remarkably self-aware. I’m in no way a “triple D” devotee, nor do I want to sample his “donkey sauce”. But I respect him as a pretty decent guy who is using his

I’m not a 45 voter, but I want a disruption of the status quo; I want a disruption of the racist norms that keep communities down, the economic disparity that help perpetuate racism among the lower classes, and a massive disruption the legalized corruption of our legislators through Citizens United. Yes, stocks will

I loved it because I went into the theater with no expectations.

One can absolutely be fiscally conservative and not give a crap about what people do in their private lives. Zappa was an excellent example of someone who was fiscally conservative but was essentially socially libertarian. He called himself a “practical conservative”. He was a small business owner and was anti-drugs.

Jimmy Fallon AND Cardi B? In the same building? On the same stage?

One thing the article completely misses behind the “why Bend” is that it’s a really, really popular area for tourists who go and rent houses and cabins and park their RVs and whatnot. It’s this perfect storm of families on vacation who don’t want to mess with disconnecting their AppleTV or their Roku or whatever when

Sounds like they were “just” alcoholics. Two glasses a day will not alone kill you. Period.

As someone who grew up a music freak in Sacramento, Tower Records is in my DNA. Between the “original” Broadway location (they had the best import section), the Watt Avenue location (best for video and late night shenanigans) and the Birdcage Walk location (best books and classical/jazz) I would do a circuit of the

When I saw the headline with “idiot” and “securing children for free”, my first thought was “Looks like Roy Moore is getting involved in the community...again...”

This is bad...but not unexpected. The budget woes that caused Green and Fuller to split were likely also the catalysts for...perhaps...not encouraging Anderson and Chenoweth to return.

Look...was it assault? No? Your feelings were hurt? Ok, move on. Nobody gives a shit about your feelings. Really. Nobody.

Money talks, bullshit walks. Second highest Friday grossing ever. It’s a win.

I really don’t understand “super fans” of anything, really. People getting all bent out of shape over A MOVIE. I liked it...and I grew up living, eating, breathing Star Wars (one of my first memories was seeing it in the theater in 1977). I had all the toys, read the comics, rewatched the movies a million times.

Tried re-watching Delerious not long ago. I used to know it by heart in the 80's.

And yet here you are, giving him a spotlight for his bullshit ramblings.

Just because he’s retiring from Congress, doesn’t mean he’s going to give up power. Just like all lower life forms, when he leaves office he’ll almost certainly become a lobbyist or “consultant”...they arguably have more power than the actual legislators because nobody knows who they are, they don’t have to be