Ellis Dean

Don’t do drugs, kids.

Forming a “thesis” (*cough*) based off of three Zappa albums is like saying “I don’t like John Zorn...after all, I listened to a Naked City album, a Filmworks thing that had anime on the cover, and some stupid album that was all duck calls. It was garbage. Zorn sucks.”

“I don’t want to go into the Louis stuff.”

For a guy who made his name on comedic cynical points of view, he comes of as a complete bullshit artist here. An inauthentic, cowardly bullshit artist.

A flaw is someone being rude to waitstaff, or chewing with their mouth open, not using their turn signal.

I knew this guy was an alt-right douche ever since he gave “Sketches of Brunswick East” a 5/10.

She’s only a “sensation” because sites like these keep giving her free publicity. Stop. Please. Haven’t America suffered enough?