
Yo, I’m Vito.  You said you needed a sHitman?

looks like 9 patriot fans have read this article so far

Not West Virginia. Everybody knows miners can’t give consent.

I read that as, “I’m not ratting out the 8th grade bully who shaves and seems to like pounding my balls.”

Other Ingredients you can use:

I’m willing to bet we are looking at the recipients of over a million dollars in unclaimed income down there.

Hannah’s dad:

Somehow, adding “obviously” makes it sound much more like a blatant lie than the simple, declarative statement “none of what was in the car was his” would have.

“none of what was in the car was his obviously.”

Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.

I think we agree more than we disagree, but I don’t believe I’ve moved the goalposts or changed the subject. The Republican party as a bloc supported Roy Moore and his voters stridently argued that the victims were put up to it by perfidious Democrats. He kept denying the charges, even going so far as to say he never

If you’re going to say it’s not a Democrat or Republican issue, tell the Republicans. Look how they rally around Donald Trump and Roy Moore, but how the Democrats demanded Al Franken step down. There’s no equivalence. The Republicans are choosing tribalism over their duty, over decency, over country.

“What I’ve always said is I know nothing about that. I can only speak for what he has been to me and the players,”

Louis CK on three? I don’t recall that.

Leave Sheetz out of this. That is a damned fine chain I will defend vociferously.

Once Belichick and Ernie Adams have him in a room, they will assume their true alien form and drain every piece of information out of Harrison’s brain that isn’t “just one more rep”

Belichick: Okay, what’s this formation?

This is still the finest football game I have ever seen.

I will need to be put on suicide watch when he does, inevitably, sign with NE.