
I understand your sentiment, but this is just journalists doing their job. Nothing wrong with digging and trying to get to the bottom of this situation. There’s certainly interest amongst the LoL esports community.

Oh if he’s from NZ he’s chill. Kiwis are good people. Bruce McLaren, Flight of the Conchords, Murry (FOTC’s Manager).

He should have been wearing some sort of hand protection to prevent this type of injury. But, as they say, “no glove, no Love”.

The simplicity of “bad shirts” is killer.

Apparently my hands are so frozen I cannot type properly. Wow that was bad

It will all come down to the emojis again I assume.

It crossed my mind whether I should edit that out, but I’m not ashamed.

Deadspin? ESPN. Fox Sports? ESPN. Home Shopping Network? ESPN as fuck! That old McNugget under my couch that looks like Tim Tebow’s helmet? ESPN!

“In His loving service

I realize that few people start out their lives aiming to become a villain, it happens by degrees. You go to law school thinking you’ll be the next Atticus Finch defending the defenseless. You face the reality that you have to work for a big law firm to pay your bills. You wind up representing people who can pay

None of this matters, the Pats are going to win the Super Bowl every year that Trump is in office, which increasingly looks to be forever.

Hope is an empty illusion, God is dead.

Please continue to share these reports, Deadspin. As an ex-gymnast who experienced sexual misconduct as a child, it is extremely emotional and empowering to hear these brave women speak directly to their abuser and show no mercy. He is a monster and they are heroes for speaking out, and we should all be inspired by

I read this in Larry David’s voice. Thank you.

“so.... Hypothetically, what would you say if I were to sing a song about being an all-star?” - Smash Mouth 1998

Just going to point out that I got a mass email from Lou Ann Simon on 12/15/17 that contained this sentance:

I had a long diatribe, but I deleted it for it being too wordy. I’ll leave this:

While I agree wholeheartedly that the athletic department should be shuttered, what we need to do is make the criminal and/or civil penalties extremely harsh on those who were notified of the abuse and did nothing to stop it, for whatever reason.

I live in Pennsylvania. When I wanted to volunteer at my kids’ schools, I had to take a three hour mandatory training on spotting grooming, sexual abuse, and what to do if you even think its happening.

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

I’m too old. I’m 37. Hahaha. Suck it, Stephen Miller, you prematurely aging douche.