I don’t believe for a red hot minute this man works for 9-10 hours a day, not unless there’s a four hour lunch/break in there somewhere.
I don’t believe for a red hot minute this man works for 9-10 hours a day, not unless there’s a four hour lunch/break in there somewhere.
You are so right. This guy doesn’t add value to the world by making Ed Hardy look stylish.
Weirdly, out of everything, I think my favorite part of the video is “discoteca.”
Yeah, this video was from 6 months ago. Your comment makes it seem like he shot a re-enactment of the moment just to get more mileage out of how hurt he was by the trade. This clip was from a docuseries. As far as I know the current IT has let it go.
Good luck with using depriving them of the grandchildren to relieve your visitation obligations.
Exactly this for me, except instead of 8 hour round trip drive, its an 11 hour round trip flight. I moved out west 9 years ago, and that was 8 trips back to DC to celebrate a holiday that I don’t believe in. So over it. This year, foot down, I am not Christmasing.
Just a heads up, this shit does NOT end just because you get married. I’ve been married for 5 years, and we’re still guilted into making the pilgrimage to both houses (they’re only about an hour apart, but 3 hours from us) each Christmas and Thanksgiving. I think you gotta add a kid to the equation to get out of it.
I know right, the nerve of someone using the creative process (and research) to work through and formulate her thoughts on a subject that directly impacts her and millions of people her age.
Buffalo Wild Wings
This is a very relevant article for me. I’m 25 and don’t have a wife and kids so the assumption is that I will be spending the holidays with my mom. The trouble is that that now includes booking flights, taking more time off work than I’m comfortable with and, generally, not doing what I want to do with my Christmas.…
Tip from an adult: stay in a hotel when visiting family. It helps anxiety to be able to remove yourself from family and recharge on your own.
Oh get over yourself. Just because it doesn’t apply to you doesn’t mean it’s self-indulgent or lacking in value. How is this commentary any better than what you’re attributing to the article?
The kid is 8 years old, not a 3 year old; plus the kid thought it socially acceptable to start dropping eff bombs.
“Fahk” isn’t a real swear.
Nah, he’s a shitty parent because his 8-year old kid threw a tantrum consisting of f-bombs.
41 years old.
Why do you care if I don’t trust people who have no use for animals? The day I meet someone who doesn’t like animals but is a good person is the day I’ll rethink my position, but I haven’t come accross anyone like that yet.
Yep, in a meaningless exhibition game being watched by hundreds, Kiffen goes for two in a game long out of reach for the opponent. He sure showed them.
Also not falling by the wayside is creepy conservatives that get butt-hurt when being corrected.
Finally find something to like about Pence and of course Trump has a problem with it.