
I’ve seen him in some interviews where he’s remarkably humble. I’ve obviously seen him play, but he’s the kind of guy that I’m going to start looking for on League Pass specifically. I like that you can confirm what I hoped was true.

If you watch him on the regular, he is a pretty remarkable cat...not just his level of play, but his unselfishness, and his ability to be cocky without being arrogant. He can drop 40 points but in the walkoff interview he’ll shift the discussion to call out a teammate for a clutch rebound or whatever. His reputation

living in Portland I can attest that Dame is a really good dude, active in the community (especially the public schools), hosts many events for kids, a great citizen who appreciates where he’s gotten. The Blazers are very much a community conscious organization, being the only pro team during the winter and spring and

Being a Knicks fan, I have no bias towards or against Portland or Weber St, but I agree with you a lot. Something about him just seems really down to earth. It’s hard to say exactly, but my guess is that a lot of great athletes, like Tom Brady and Kevin Durant, seem just...well, unapproachable. Lillard seems like he’s

Maybe it’s the whole small school, small NBA town thing, but Lillard has really become one of my favorite players.

We may not know what a catch is, but we can all agree that was terrible throw by Roethlisberger on 3rd down. There were more Patriots where he threw the ball than at a Trump rally, according to Trump.

Because they haven’t established possession through the whole catch; where as the runner has possession as soon as it is handed to him. It’s stupid, but it is what it is.

When a RB or scrambling QB dives over a pylon and just barely gets the nose of the ball to break the plane of the EZ, it’s a touchdown. Why doesn’t this extend to WRs/TEs when they break the plane?

Well, as a fan of the Milwaukee Bucks I felt bad for Brown when he got injured, too. Also, as a fan of cricket I was especially disgusted. And as much as I root for snow on Christmas, it hurt me to see Brown get hurt.

i refuse to believe it. More likely he told him the secret about what happened to that airplane

Lonzo still has trouble with his shot (not a small thing, of course), but he’s improving there, and his assist and rebound numbers are really good. I would say he does not suck, but we will not know fully until we see him next year. Rookie guards tend to have trouble, and his dad painted a giant bullseye on him. Also,

Does Lonzo not suck now? I haven’t watched him play yet but I remember everyone saying he sucked.

I hate the Eagles but I fully support this outcome.

Eagels fan here. I’m calling it early: we sign Kap, he plays like a man possesed, we roll through the playoffs and win our first Superbowl, and Goddel is forced to hand to Lombardi trophy to Kap, the games MVP.

Someone call Jeff Garcia. He’s already got the jersey and everything.

I blame Magery for jinxing the whole thing in his Jambaroo.

Yeah, that line slayed me.  It’s not surprising these kinds of folks have a very child-like vision of the afterlife.  

Did rebecca provide any additional credentials to back up the “world champion” claim? [Swoon!]

Dear everyone who wrote to Tom,

I like when they post their full name, so I can look them up on facebook and see what they look like. Usually it’s douchebag college kids or guys that look straight out of a sex offender registry.