
Small correction: Bill Simmons doesn’t seem to care about beating the Eagles.

whatever dude he was the second guy’s fourth choice. that’s entirely different.

This never gets old:

Lame, earnest response here.

Genuinely speaking...what is the Republicans’ soul exactly? They’re supporting a child molester so they can pass a tax plan getting called irresponsible in the pages of Forbes.

Democratic senators are going to force Al Franken to resign, and Repubs are going to welcome in a child molester that’s invariably going to win this election.

Over the past year? My dude, if you think it’s just recently happened, you haven’t been paying attention

This is all to drum up some sort of thoughts (among the gullible) that our athletes would be in peril there, so that when it goes off without a hitch, or we do decide to send them DT can puff out his chest and act like he was the reason they’re all safely competing.

Pink Floyd tried to warn us about this dark side like forty years ago.

He’s 71 years old, eats fast food every day, thinks exercise is unhealthy, was never too smart to begin with, and has the most stressful job in the world. His body’s gonna start failing him sooner rather than later

I didn’t even care that they cheated! That was just gamesmanship IMO. I just hate dynasties, hate the smug Boston sports fans I’m around every day who whine about the most trivial shit and think the world is out to get them, hate all his Trump supporting bullshit, and his pseudo-science “my muscles are too flexible to

It pains me to my very core that we’re basically at the point where Tom Brady is inarguably the best quarterback of all time.

Still not close enough :(

I’m not big on gold chains and pendants, but this intrigues me. Is there one where the pizza is whole? I do not have 7 friends.

Is your argument we should deny public spaces and programs to underserved populations because it makes you uncomfy to be faced with their existence? GTFO of here with that nonsense.

So far as I can tell, the Montana High School Association rules don’t specify a minimum number of players required or any standards for an automatic forfeit. They have a separate doc on the mercy rule, but that just forces a running clock in the second half—like what happened here—and is only triggered by a 40-point

Things you may have forgotten about this awful year: the night before the special election to replace Montana’s representative to the House, who became the Secretary of the Interior (and has threatened a Senator’s state if they didn’t vote for the healthcare bill and also was likely involved in a tiny company from

Gas leak at your parents’s housr?

Not that it mattered in the game, but Nurkic’s block on Giannis was clean. And it was an exceptional feat of athletic ability considering who he was blocking. No foul there. Terrible call. Wouldn’t have changed the game, but Nurk should get the credit and stats.

You can always slap one of these on the gift: