
My favorite thing is this world is trail running. If I’m running in nature, I can go for miles and miles and miles without getting bored or distracted by my body.

I’ve done a lot of trail running all over Southern California, but I have sensory-flashback-visceral memories of running through trails in the area between

Omg, my stomach hurts from laughing XD

Ugh. Please.

Find a kid dying in the street because he was beaten and his parents were lynched by a crowd of people in sheets and tell him race doesn’t exist.

Seriously. This show has basically become about the visuals, because everything else is indecipherable and batshit.

Seriously, I guffawed when I saw it in the list. All we need is a drunk cousin grinding on one of our friends to swear that song off forever.

I’m with you on all of these except:
“Happy” - Pharrell Williams

If you can’t busy your groove thang to that song then I don’t know what to say.

I’m not saying it’s rude that the peeps are getting killed, I’m saying it’s rude to follow them around blasting an air horn at them XD

“I feel like I’m just hitting buttons randomly!”

Hahahaa, oh god it’s so true

Are they doing that? There’s gotta be a way to hide that info from people.

Okay, that person is a cunty little bitch.

If someone took time to message me, saying I was killing them too much while I was just playing a regular game, I would camp that idiot. Then get my friends to gank them.

Then I would put my digital balls on their face.

Ehhh, this is more like Paparazzi that walk behind you constantly asking questions, then follow you in their car from place to place so they can honk at you, and keep getting out to follow you some more while shouting shit at you.

So...yea, like Paparazzi. XD

It’s hard to enjoy a game when multiple people seek you out, and follow you around honking horns at you.
I personally don’t enjoy streaming games, as it takes me right out of the fun, but I can see how this would be incredibly annoying for someone who does stream. Not to mention it’s rude.

Is it just me or was that explosion green for a second?

“Men tolerate more pain because of prescribed notions of masculinity.”


I’m a hugger.

Nope, those are just Walmarts in disguise.

Nope. Those are incredibly cleverly disguised Walmarts.


I was just about to post this...before I realized that they don’t have Targets in Florida, only Walmarts.

I too like Mon-El.

*also slithers into the shadows, bringing muffins and Supergirl on tape*

I just scared my cat with how loud I laughed XD