
Bullshit. This is for marketing/fapping purposes.

“No, no, it’s about establishing a dichotomy between two characters who have absolutely nothing comparable enough to juxtapose, and who have never before been associated with one another, so to loosely create that comparison now they both have boobs. I mean...light and

Gorgeous. I already have such respect for everyone associated with this film, and this only increases that 10-fold.

Is her email ‘Sprint1234@misc.com’? Because I could see why that’d be an issue.
She should see if they’d be willing to purchase the email from her to avoid compromising their customer’s security.
They probably won’t because I doubt they actually care about misc. info being shared, or the inconvenience put upon a

Beach blvd, baby!

I love love love love LOVE that Disney funneled so much money in campaign contributions to political candidates in Anaheim that lost, so now they are being questioned more thoroughly in regards to their shitty tax evasion.

The tub of mayonnaise disguised as a human said on Instagram that she put Ms. Rowe’s toothbrush “where the sun don’t shine”, and the victim was told by medical professionals that her throat was sore because some sort of “bad bacteria” was in the back of her throat, causing medical issues.

Human fecal matter is a toxic

Omfg, is that Jack Nicholson? ??

True, these cutscenes look nice, but call me when we get gameplay footage.

Sure, except that Katy Perry loves to make jokes about her boobs. She’s used them as straight up comedic props in her videos, plus her and Ellen are friends.

Celebrities typify the concept of public/personal narrative, and have a vastly different relationship to Social Media than most people. Painting celebrities’

I’m guessing you don’t get invited to many parties..

I feel you bro. I’m 29 and I’m pretty sure I skirted this wave by a few years.

I know a few people who stream, and seeing them sitting alone in their living room, occasionally glancing at themselves on camera, and talking to people who aren’t there just makes me sad. :(

Haaaahahaa, that’s so true XD

Oh god please no

I love that these naming conventions were established for naval vessels.

I’m surprised there are no female names! Most small boats seem to be named after women, with the ships being called, ‘she’. Maybe classic movie stars? The ‘Gardner’, or the ‘Hepburn’...or ‘Betty White’....

Hey, if Will fucking Rogers gets a

That question is insanely stupid.

I hadn’t watched this in awhile, and I needed that.

Thank you, kind soul!

Family just outside Dallas, and that area is completely racist as fuck. There have been more liberals from Blue states moving there in the last few years, but they tend to exist in their own bubbles. White people out there are still overwhelmingly racist. There’s a spectrum for that, but it’s still there, and is

Okay, first off, yes this is a great answer, good job Texas (never thought I’d say that, but here we are).

Oh god, I didn’t even think about the flatscreen. O_O How do you keep a toddler from wrecking a flat screen?? Even just yanking on it back and forth could do damage D:

I never said this behavior was specific to this election, so thanks for finding an excuse to soapbox your narrative, bro.

The issue was never an overall amount of votes, it was votes in the swing states. Democrats in those states who protest-voted instead of voting for Hillary; those who could have tipped the