
Agreed. I own an espresso machine (recently broken — sad face emoji), a stovetop espresso maker (too much trouble), a drip coffee maker (for when I have guests over who require a lot of coffee), and a French press. Since my espresso machine died I’ve used the French press for my daily fix. I also worked as a barista,

That isn’t how machines work. According to your definition, a bicycle would have no moving parts because your feet supply the force.

Nope, never had any problems. Maybe I’m using a weird version but I never have problem. Fill, insert, push button, done.

I’ve seen miniatures you won’t believe...

I love this so much.

I too love my refillable and reusable filter cup and Cafe Bustelo espresso blend. It is tasty every time and it doesn’t get that gross burned taste like when a pot of coffee that’s been on the burner for more than 10 minutes.

I’ve found a reasonable compromise with the Keurig machine that eliminate waste and produces a better cup of coffee: the refillable filter cup.

Essentially, a Keurig is little more that a single serving drip coffee machine that dispenses a single serving quantity of hot water through coffee grounds and a filter.


Are all Trumpers just incapable of understanding the world around them?

“Competition lifts require just that you make it to the top position. All powerlifters drop it at the top of the lift in competition.”

I would mock the fact that she’s looking at the panda with more affection and joy than she’s ever looked at Trump, but who among us wouldn’t be more excited to hold hands with a panda than with Trump-Teeny-Todger.

Not to even marginally defend her but to be fair she hasn’t done anything outrageous or actively lessened the office she holds like literally every other fucker out of that family (to the best of my knowledge anyhow).

The fact that FLOTUS’s official Twitter account has basic grammar mistakes which no one has bothered to correct is somehow the maggot infested cherry on this cruddy sundae

I dunno, this reads like a Christian who decides they hate ...tacos, or something... and pore through Leviticus to find biblical justification for it.


I think there are a couple of comely hobbit lasses over in the Shire, and there was that one joke about Dwarven lady-beards, not a lot of women at all. Imagine being an Evon lady in Middle Earth, you’d have to embark on an epic fantasy quest every time you wanted to sell some foundation.

This isn’t limited to videogames. Comics are like that too. Think about Batman’s Rogues Gallery, for example. His male foes go from handsome to bat-monsters, while all of his female foes are sexy femmes fatales.


I think the only women are Arwen, Eoywn, Galadriel, and Shelob.

But is a Keurig cup as bad as a full-size cup from Starbucks? Or coffee filters? What about the slave labor used to harvest/roast the beans? And the emissions produced by transporting them halfway across the planet?