
How do you deal with one of your significant other’s friends being passive aggressive?

One of my boyfriend’s friends/ex-girlfriends hangs out with us occasionally, and she has always been strangely passively-aggressive with me, despite the fact that I’ve been with my boyfriend for several years now, and they haven’t

Rage quitting....ugh, What a dick move! At least lose gracefully.

I love how iDom doesn’t give a fuck, hahahaa.


Oooo, I didn’t even think of that. Good point!

Aww, it’ll be nice for them to reunite.

Also, does anyone else think he should probably burn that shirt by now? Seeing him get cured of greyscale and then immediately put on his old clothing made me balk just a bit.

Seriously, why isn’t the spot black???



It is incredibly frustrating how so many languages and translations default to the male gender. It’s just another layer meant to obscure and marginalize women.

Oh, shit, I think you’re right!!

Please God, let Sam’s time there have been for something other than healing Jorah/terrible jump cuts.

Hahaha, me too.

I was excitedly hopping around on the couch saying, “OMG, ARYA AND SANSA, YAAAAAS”, and then just kind of went, “ Oh. It’s Bran.”


The only possible explanation I have for how Euron was able to get around and back is that way more time has passed —in between even events in the same episode— than I initially thought, and that Euron has crazy-fast ships.

Hollywood sucks ass.

It’s a harsh, dehumanizing industry full of money-hungry automatons, desperate actors, and soon-to-be-disillusioned artists. Anyone who has stayed in the industry for any significant length of time has had to sell little pieces of their soul to compete, and it happens so slowly that they still

Wow, they obviously told him to drink it.

If they’re trying to say they didn’t then they better explain all those hand gestures, and the fact that the guy motioned for confirmation while he looked at the lady before he acquiesced and drank it.

This is astonishingly stupid of them. They should have just confiscated the

The synopsis for this show is almost word-for-word the synopsis of every hastily-written, template young adult Urban-Fantasy novel I’ve ever seen.

AND it’s from the creator of Twilight! Well, bless my lucky stars, the gods are listening to me tonight!

*kills self*

Damn, that movie would have been fucking great.

*quietly sob-laugh-smiles into tissues*

No, he’s only described as being horrific when he lets his mask slip.

In the book he’s described as looking like a clown on TV, specifically a cross “between Bozo and Clarabell”, polished and brightly colored, similar to what was seen in the the miniseries.

He takes different forms, some are meant to terrify, but

Seriously. He’s an incredibly handsome man to begin with, but THAT MUSTACHE. GOOD GOD <3

Why not just say ‘Latin’?

I normally get behind stuff like this, but she wasn’t stopped randomly, she was going through a checkpoint. They ask everyone at those checkpoints if they are citizens.

I find it a little suspect that she had the camera rolling in the backseat before even pulling up to the checkpoint. I’m guessing she’s gone through a