
The show is way more gruesome.

Fucked up shit definitely happens in the books, but there aren’t nearly as many fucked up acts of gorey cruelty like you see on the show. Plus the show has more rape. And sex scenes. Really, everything has been turned up to eleven for the show.

The only real exception I can think of in

I’m really unsure which rape confuses me more, Cersei’s, or Sansa’s?

Sansa’s rape makes sense in the context of her show-plot, so there’s that, but the plot leading up to that rape doesn’t make any goddamn sense, except to establish seeds of ruthlessness inside Sansa for later drams.

Cersei’s rape just straight up

Daaaaaamn, Bigby! Lookin’ good! :D

Now, when we say ‘Dab’ and ‘Dabbed’, do we mean some sort of fucked up terrible dance move, or do we mean hitting a pen stocked with weed oil/hash?

Is it the second? Please tell me it’s the second.

EDIT: I finally caved and watched the video.
What in the actual fuck?
Is this what being old feels like? :(

*hits dab

In the first sentence I mentioned that I don’t have any problems with him being arrogant/young, even though the character itself is very different in the books.

Hahahahha, oh god XD

Actually, that approach works everywhere. Unless the person is an unmitigated asshole.

You say netting a seat is just that easy in the South, but I wonder how much more difficult it is if you’re a POC or LBGTQ? I’m assuming those good manners would not be so ubiquitous.

I don’t have any problems with him being written as an arrogant piece of shit, even though his show character is so, so, SO radically far from what it was in the books.

Noooo, my ire is now reserved for his outfit when meeting Cersei this last episode.

Fuuuck I have to wait until SEPTEMBER? D: BUT I WANT IT NOW.

My ex was psychopathic. The beginning was so incredibly amazing that it didn’t even feel real.

Overly long Diary Post:
Over the course of the relationship I slowly became isolated from my friends, all of my interests devolved into things he wanted me to do, I was constantly working out and dieting to please him, I

I had a similar issue. I kept wanting to hear actual examples of his behavior throughout their relationship, especially towards the end where she realized something was wrong.

It seems more like Whitmore doesn’t know how this works.

He doesn’t own the character, he’s an actor. To force a hostile work environment, bashing new actors, demanding the biggest salary, all of those instances would have gotten him fired years and years ago. The likeliest reason he hadn’t been let go yet was just

If we steadily do away with unskilled labor, hopefully we’ll provide free training/degrees for people. The only way I could see that working is if we provided free education and basic income assistance.

The first two questions were rhetorical.

You’re saying unskilled labor should be done away with, but do you have any ideas on how to do that while still providing economic opportunities for new families?

It functions like a clocktower, so I always know when it’s around 9:30.

Seeing the fireworks was kind of cool in the beginning, but the sound is pretty annoying. I’m thankfully a few miles away, so I don’t smell the fireworks. That would really fucking suck.

FUN FACT: On 4th of July, we went out walking with our

Hmmmm, I wonder if this man just happened to find a briefcase of money that helped him remember he was at fault?


It seems even male authors who do a good job treating their female characters as people will occasionally give them a dose of the good ole women-make-impractically-emotional-and-illogical-decisions-and-need-men-to-fix-their-hysteria trope. It’s commonly seen with men writing women.

I’m not saying men can’t write from

Is ‘lady’ not okay to say?

Damn, that is one sick kid-burn. :D