
He might even take her pony away.

I can’t get over the fact that she kicked a cop and was completely fine.

I once placed a hand on a cop’s wrist to stabilize myself after he pulled me away from my car, and he flipped my arms around my back and had my body pinned down to a cop car while he cuffed me, quicker than I had time to realize what was going

What is the alternative to unskilled labor? Skilled labor?

How do you get skilled labor? Education?

How do you pay for education to become skilled, when unskilled labor doesn’t exist?

Ohhh my fucking god. Wow, that bitch. That fucking entitled, stupid ass bitch and her stupid ass friends.

She would be dead 5x over if her ass wasn’t bleach-fungal white. This is sickening.

Anyone who takes serious issue with ‘Derpy’, needs to also take issue with ‘Duh’, as it stems from ‘Duh-doy’, and comes from the exact same place.

Anyone who doesn’t do that is hypocritically clinging to their own linguistic comfort, while self-righteously bashing new versions of the slang that they already use.


I find it slightly amusing that people take issue with ‘Derpy’, but are fine with ‘Duh-doy’ and ‘Duh’, even though those obviously spring from the same source.

Welcome to Nevadatucky! Home of recycled beer can shower heads, gambling cabals, confederate flags, and dubiously legal prostitution!

*Looks up info*
*sees ‘New York’*
*closes browser*

Oh my god, when she motions to the guy on the subway to close his legs, HAAAAAAAH :D


I’m also going to pretend that this exists in the same world as the IT Crowd, just because. <3

I had no idea Meghan Markle was of mixed race. She just looks like a sometimes pale/ sometimes tan chick with dark hair and eyes.

She has had some light surgery done though, so that might play into it.

Wait, why do people have an issue with her dating Harry?

Are these the same people who were pissed that William was

Seriously. That’s so fucked up.

I understand nursing homes when the person has behavioral issues that make it so they can’t be left alone, or are completely unable to function without constant assistance from others, but she had brain cancer.

She had aphasia from the strokes, so maybe she had deteriorated to the point

They aren’t the same thing at all.

Whitewashing serves to erase racial diversity in film, whereas recasting with a POC serves to increase diversity, and be more reflective of the actual world.

Looking at film, and seeing the erasure of roles for POC, and not feeling a need to step in and mitigate that is disappointing

Speaking as an Anaheim native/someone who sees the Disneyland fireworks from my back patio everynight, non-peak days for Disneyland would be any time not during the summer.

Seriously. Summertime Disneyland is its own special form of hell, and not because of the heat, because of the crowds. It gets ridiculously packed.

Queue pissed off menfolk in.....3....2....1....

 The pirates who have parrots on their shoulders, and are saying ‘Arrrr’, are already not historically accurate.

Our entire societal conception of pirates from this era has completely devolved into: big hats, ring curls, peg legs, eye patches, parrots, and ‘a life free from laws, on the wide open sea’.

It’s not

Daniel Fraser II: “Pirates aren’t MEANT to be celebrated or “fun,” you say.”


I just burst out laughing XD

I seriously doubt the man could have contracted Hep C from this poop, even if it was infected, as long as he washed his hands afterward.

You have to introduce the pathogens to your blood stream for them to take effect. He would have had to get the poop into a cut of his, or accidentally into his food, or into his


Complaining about a white role being cast with a POC is ignorant and idiotic as fuck.

Whenever I hear that as one of someone’s criticisms of a film or show, I immediately dismiss all of their other points, as they just revealed themselves to be an asshole.

Hahaha, I just burst out laughing XD