
The fact that Trump is such a moody clown, and has repeatedly said that various members of his own Administration have lied in their press briefings about him and his decisions, whenever he decides to be contradictory, is out of step with how the Presidency has been run in the United States.

Can you think of a single

I know Mariah Carey was hot at one point....but looking at these photos I literally cannot help the disgusted grimace spreading over my face.


Fat shaming doesn’t really apply in this case, because Chris Christie is a literal Fat sack of Shit. The normal rules don’t apply here.

Good god that sucks.
It’s surprising that they didn’t take that into account, considering how much mileage and everyday use Police vehicles get.

Do you text while seeing a movie at a theater ?

.....Wait, what?

Are you saying that men suffer sexual abuse more than women?

Orlando Jones is amazing :D I already had respect for him as an actor, but he also seems like a really chill person.

I hope his career goes over 9000 after his turn as Mr. Nancy.

I’m fine with Uber and Lyft providing an alternative to the monopoly-asshole-gouging taxi companies.

For every good experience I, or anyone else I know, has had in a taxi cab, we’ve all have 3 times as many bad ones. Taking the extra long route, the cab being fucking disgusting, the driver being

“I went to the vet with my wife and I’m in the waiting room. The doc comes out and he says, “I’ve got some bad news. She’s old, she’s overweight, and she’s got the worst case of gout I’ve ever seen.” I said, “Yea I know, but what about my dog??”

You are inside my brain.

‘Retard’ is one of those words that has steadily become more and more inappropriate to say.

I can see how someone would be startled by a loud thud to the left side of their car, but reacting to that by swerving into the median and causing a fucking pile up is insanely ridiculous.

I’ve lived in the Los Angeles county area my entire life, and it always amazes me how some people are so fucking entitled and stupid

Naw, it says in the article that the Biker and the Driver exchanged words after the Driver illegally swerved into the HOV lane. The Driver definitely knew the bike was there.

The fact that he swerved toward the bike is incredibly suspect. I don’t know anyone who would swerve toward danger. The video pretty clearly

The trailer’s music is from “The Light of the Seven”, the track made for Cersei’s act of domestic terrorism at the Sept of Baelor.

Pro tip for Gamers: Play this song on loop while playing any first-person-shooter game. It syncs up perfectly with whatever is happening on screen, trust me.

That little girl in the backseat, the girlfriend in the front seat....Fuck. He probably fell onto her when he was shot. Bleeding to death...and there were several shots fired. She knew he was dead, and she was still expected to stand there and quietly comply.

This is so terrible. I knew it was terrible and then I

The Mormon Church didn’t officially accept Black People as even being fully human until the 70's.
Their skin color was indicative of their supposedly ‘wicked nature’, was regarded as a ‘Mark of Cain’, and meant that they were destined to be servants of servants, so basically slaves.
I’m not surprised the church has

Stand up for what you believe in and who you are.

No one has the right to judge you for who you love, true, but never talking about it or standing up for it because of fear of judgement is incredibly shitty advice, and actively hampers societal evolution.

I’m sure you mean well, but really take a look at the advice you

I had gay Kens as a youth. Although, maybe it would be more accurate to call them bisexual Kens? :p

I think they have a child version of Ken, but yea, no males equivalent to Skipper in that line. You’d think Ken would logically have a younger sibling since Barbie does.
I guess now Skinny Ken can step into that role? :p

No no, it needs to be molded plastic so that the kids can be even more satisfied when their Barbie inevitably snaps and cuts off Ken’s man-bun.
Less mess that way, too.