
Oh my fucking god, this is terrible. That poor kid, that poor family.
They could have just stolen his stuff, but noo, they had to kill him.

In the headlining picture, who is that in the lower right hand corner?

Oh my fuvking god that looks delicious

Small note: McDonnell Douglas merged with Boeing in the late 90's.

I agree with you completely. It’s disgusting just how much of our Military budget goes straight to these people’s pockets.

Bill Maher is a disgusting piece of shit.

He wasn’t planning on Jon having any magical destiny. He wanted to keep Jon from being discovered by Robert as the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

The wall has a long history of providing sanctum for people who may or may not be in danger by being amongst the guard and general populace. Ned probably thought that would be

Whether that lack is from impotence or Erectile Dysfunction, it’s overwhelmingly used as a medication is for giving men boners.
It has one other use, for a rare condition that other medications also work for.

Birth Control Pills help with multiple, much more common conditions, some of which are resistant to other

That fucker better do some jail time/court-mandated probation and therapy. He took clothing off of an underage student.

You’re right, there is no correlation between viagra and birth control pills.

Birth control pills actually have actual medical benefits.

Ohhh, I get it.

I read another comment by you comparing a company providing health insurance to employees, as somehow equivalent to those employees having slaves, and I just thought you were trolling.

Now I realize that you’re dumb. Haha, silly me!

That doesn’t even make any sense. Try harder.

Hahahahaa, YES.

FUUUUUUUUCK, just watching this scares the shit out of me!!!

The last place I lived at was a home I shared with a few friends, in a very affluent suburb. The home was owned by a friend’s parents, and we all rented rooms in the house.

The last Halloween party we threw got a little wild, went really late, and the cops were called. They came to the door, the music was turned down,

They better get, not just sued, but sued.

They didn’t even try to hide that they stole the designs. Are they that stupid, or that narcissistic?

Not sure how to feel about this...

I agree that the ones who have not smoked have slightly less wrinkles in certain areas...but the ones who have smoked look more interesting, like they have more personality, and are more engaged with the photographer.

I’m curious about other lifestyle differences aside from the

Yea, quotation marks are lame! Apostrophes forever!!!

Looking at this, I can’t help but think he primarily did this for publicity.

He can say something passively that’s stupid and racist, people will admonish him, he’ll apologize, and then a couple months later he’ll have a ratings boost as his press redemption arc completes.

For him, the best case scenario is that he

I’m sorry, what?

You want people to stay home and not fight for one another’s causes?

 Are you a bigot?