
This is my theory too! :D

Pink and White being diametrically opposed colors in the Diamond Authority symbol, coupled with the fact that Yellow and Blue seem to have ideologically opposed ways of approaching situations while also being opposite one another in the symbol, suggests that White and Pink may have opposing

You’re saying that this settlement is absurd because she was a prostitute?

The issue here is that the Police Officers willingly engaged in, not only the cover-up of an active underage prostitute, but also the act of purchasing sex from this underage prostitute.

Yours and your wife’s feelings on this settlement don’t

Man, I remember when Mushrooms used to fuck me up less than Acid. That was great.

It took one terrible, mind-shredding, fucked up on a fucking 1/3 ounce of shrooms while at Disneyland for all that shit to end. My last two shroom trips after that were fucking terrible. I can’t stand the nausea anymore, either. It used

Ugggggh, fuck, it was especially noticeable with Hannibal.

That shit was terrible. It distracted me from beautiful visuals, gave me fucking headaches..



Thank god for cameraphones. Now these worthless pieces of shit are being exposed for how stupid they are.

Hopefully she realizes something is actually wrong with her, once she sees the reaction to her rant.

Probably not, though. :(

That’s what I thought! I view Corona as being ‘whiter’ than Modelo, since Corona is basically yellow water that goes well with lime.

Armchair Psychologist:
My best guess is that he wanted to be in some sort of tech/math/science-heavy field when he was younger, then realized how many years of schooling it was, so he gave it up, and now harbors resentment for people in those sectors.
He’s likely just jealous, possibly because he doesn’t take part in

Of course she isn’t the only member of the team, and that’s not what the guy was saying.

You seem aggressive, bro; is everything okay?

Holy shit I just noticed that XD

I love the second gif so, so much.

You can see the slight tug on their hands as Trump tries, and fails, to pull Trudeau’s hand into his chest, like he kept doing with other foreign dignitaries.

It’s flippin’ great.

Truth. Trade skills are where it’s at.

I’d consider dentistry. People have teeth, their teeth are necessary to their survival, and they’ll always need help with their teeth.

Plus, the tools are small and basically useless outside their intended use, and the skills aren’t something someone can try to kill you to steal.

Gold definitely has had value throughout human history, but that’s the result of having a stable-enough society to warrant luxuries such as jewelry or decor.

Gold has value largely because it’s pretty, and so has become a symbol of wealth.

If global societies were truly thrown into collapse, people would be scrambling

A lot of people hate on the third Alien, but I thought it was a great end to the series.

Continuing it past that point was ridiculous.

I consider Alien 4 to be basically fanfic in film form. It helps to preserve the series’ dignity.

I wish I could downvote your post. If you’re not trolling then you’re one selfish motherfucker.

Even though it hurts me, I’d much rather he took his time to finish the books, rather than rush the next one through.

There is nothing more tragic in Literature than a good series gone bad.

Good god, those eyes are INTENSE.
She does more acting with her eyes than many actors do with their entire fucking faces.
I’ve yet to actually see ‘Logan’. I need to remedy this.


I see what your point was, man, no judgement.
My brother was in an abusively controlling relationship for a few years, and none of us really knew just how bad it was until he got out. It took awhile for him to come back to himself, and he still has a lot of work to do.
When people talk about abuse, they tend to focus

I am so incredibly sorry that this happened to you.
Speaking as another escapee from an abusive relationship, I completely understand how subtle those internalized thoughts are. By the end of my abusive relationship, the guy had so successfully indoctrinated me with his constant verbal, later physical, abuse, that I

Seriously! I knew his suits were ill-fitting, but seeing him straight on with others to compare is RIDICULOUS.
What could possibly be the point of having pants that large??
If he wants to hide his weight, there have to be better ways, because he looks like a literal clown.