
This is horrible.

Those girls having been physically trained as long as they have means they’ve been trusting coaches and doctors implicitly for a long, long time. The potential for abuse there is so high, and the fact that he was able to hide behind the veneer of someone helping them heal is fucking disgusting.


Wikiwizard says the population is only 213,000. That’s the biggest city in Alabama? Fuuuuuuuu—

This is really smart for them. I’m unsure of when her contract is up, but if they can keep her muzzled for long enough, then whatever ‘fans’ she thinks she has will dry up.

Her shtick isn’t new; she’s effectively the Crystal Light version of Ann Coulter. It won’t take them long to find another young, pretty, blonde

Holy shit, how was that made by a company owned by a Trump supporter???
Fuck, man. I just almost cried.

Deadbolts are incredibly easy to lock-pick. If you have a lockpick gun, then it’s even easier.

Not to mention, unless your house has no windows, then you’re still getting burglarized. Why go through the door when there’s a handy, breakable window nearby?

“Are you for real? Are you saying it would be the victims fault in a robbery?

Do you know when the constitution was written?
Do you know when cars were invented?

I worry about you if you don’t. Do you need help? I can’t help from all the way over here. Maybe you should ask an adult?

My Stepdad did this with my brother and I from an incredibly early age. He had a collection of vintage guns in his office, and again and again told us how dangerous they are, but he also made it clear that newer pistols are even more dangerous, being automatic, and faster.

It was genuinely shocking how most people I

Congrats on being able to type, but not read. That’s a skill right there, bro.

God, that’s terrible. That poor kid. That poor family.

People make mistakes all the time, especially teens. I hope this sparks a conversation about gun safety and control. Gun control is important, but education about guns would do a world of good too.

I lived on a horseranch as a kid, and I remember going out back

“Either that or it was a quick way to kill a bunch of ISIS goat fuckers.

Pssssh, don’t know what you’re smoking, BUT NAH.


I want her and Lena Luthor to team up. They both have such perfect snark, it would be amazing.

You could also say, a mug that has held 20 cups of coffee is a great mug, whereas a cup of coffee that’s been poured into 20 mugs is shit-tier coffee that no one wants.

It’s as logical as the fucking lock! That shit doesn’t make sense either.


AMAZON! :D Keep on being badass, lady!

Just in case no one knew.

Seriously. This man was a victim, but let’s pull up unrelated shit from his past to make him look bad because....because why? Do they think United is going to come give them pats on the back?

I am so, so sorry. I lost my Skyrim saves a year or so ago, and it fucking sucked, but I did that to myself.

It’s especially tough because it’s your kid, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

This definitely taught me a life lesson about ever letting a kid go into anyone’s save game files without forcibly yanking the

You’ve said this man was acting like a child, now you’re comparing him to Rosa Parks.

Are you saying Rosa Parks was acting like a child? I’m asking you seriously.