
He’s just a little boy looking for Daddy’s approval, squawking talking points he thinks make him look big, and grown up.

I was going to patiently explain to you why you’re wrong, then I realized there’s no point in it.

Once they realized they’d have to use force to get the guy to give up his seat, they should’ve tried something else. Gone back to the vouchers, offered more, etc. They can offer up to $1350 per seat, so the fact that they didn’t and let this get as bad as it did is all on them.

Damn, it is going to be a hard day for United if it turns out this wasn’t even in their fine print.

That seems an oversight too big to be true, but if it is, hooooooooo boy, that is the richest man I’ve ever seen with his pants half-down and blood pouring down his chin.

That guy will be set for life if United wants to

“The reason you don’t hear from us is because we all have jobs, and are not sitting on our fat, lazy liberal assess all day bitching in the comment sections”...

Ignoring ‘liberal’, you just described Trump.

Seriously. I haven’t cared about an ensemble cast this much since Firefly.

True, for the most part if I need to go crosscountry quickly and get back quickly, then I’ll fly. But that’s not always the case now. I’ve taken a few trips via road when I could have flown (most recently to Colorado), just to enjoy the drive and avoid flying.

I love being in the airplane, but I hate dealing with the

Stick with it. It’s definitely a show that gets better as it goes on. It took me until the third episode to be fully sold. And hooo-boy, am I FUCKING SOLD AS FUCK.

What’s funny about this is that she’s glorifying her privilege being able to even get that close to a cop holding a line.
Imagine a black person attempting to approach a police line like that to give a cop a coke? How do you think that would end?

Am I the only one who hated Rogue One?

Fuck, I wish I had pics of my City of Heroes character.

No shit, I spent hours developing and expanding on her backstory, assembling the perfect outfit...the day I got my flying ability was the best day. Ever. I miss that game </3

Though I will concede: worst dungeons ever. I was a psionic scrapper too, so the office

omfg yes

Now playing

That game was crafted by the goddamn Cheesecake Factory, I’ll tell you what.

I played a demon person whose ass you could see up when she ran. No shit, she ran with her ass in the air. Like she was looking for something on the ground or had scoliosis.

Here’s a vid for reference:

It’s great that the kid got admitted to Stanford, especially since he’s an activist and can obviously think outside the box.

That being said, I have a hard time seeing this as anything but ammunition for bigots. A big part of me wishes this hadn’t even been posted.

Looking at this, it’s clear that the armor is for spellcasters, which means the armor would be very different than what you’d see on a tank. This looks more practical than a lot of the other armor you see for women in fantasy-settings.

I dropped out of College a few years ago, not sure what I wanted to major in, and terrified of incurring student debt. Though, now I’m nearing 30, and realizing that even the simplest of jobs outside of Minimum wage seem to require a Bachelor’s degree.

I’ve been floating from shit paycheck to paycheck with random jobs


The multi-pupil eyes bother me.

They know that the Iris is a muscle that restricts and permits light from entering the pupil, yes? So wouldn’t having two overlapping irises prevent that circular opening motion?
And what’s the point of having two pupils in one eye? You aren’t expanding your vision since those pupils