
Having always lived in progressive areas in a permanently blue state, and having grown up with a mother who is a Jack-Mormon and a father who is a Kabbalist, it really shocked me the first time I went to North-East Texas to visit family who had recently moved there.

“Leon 711: Why are grid girls or boys even needed? I ain’t here too look at people, I’m here to see racecars.

Alanis King to Leon711: I agree! But if we’re going to have any, it’s definitely better to have both.

FadekynOfArrakis to Alanis King: They don’t need to. Why? Because they already have the DRIVERS who are the

Reading stuff like this is great, and a welcome break from the shit fest that this world is; thanks for posting.

Sure, because all males like women and all women like males, right?

*eyes roll so hard they break my optic nerve and prevent me from reading shit like this in the future, so hey, good deal, right?*

That just kept getting worse and worse, fuck.

Vibration torture, yea, sure, “torture” me with coming again and again, haaaah. But then ‘taking you against your will’? While you are unconscious? Choking you until you black out?

Yea. He’s hot but don’t make the same mistake a friend of mine did a few years ago. She met

I hear you about how little sense “jetty (fuck those other nicknames)“ makes when considering the comics. Though, in the context of the show I’d say their relationship makes the most sense out of other ‘relationships’ seen in Riverdale, aside from the hesitant attachment of Archie and Val (Pussy Cat’s Lady).


“Different types of weed are all bullshit, right? I mean, sure there’s dirt and good stuff - but when people start talking about indica vs sativa I want dump out the bong and waterboard them. It reminds me of people who could allegedly differentiate between Beast Light and Natty Light in college.”

Why don’t they just show half of their face? They can emote with their mouths. Are they wearing their suits all the time?

This feels like him just doubling down on a bad idea to remain consistent.

I’ve been punishing my body through workouts, eating terrible sugars at night, and staying up late commenting on articles.

I’ve also started watching Supergirl, Legion, The Expanse, and am now constantly high thanks to my vape pen.

What can I say? I’m making being stoned great again.

Why were the workers volunteers? If they sold 24000 tickets, they can afford to pay their people.

This whole thing is bullshit; I feel so bad for the people who showed up. Suffering through a con’s lines is bad enough, let alone it raining and not even being able to get in the convention hall.


Of course they say she used ‘sexual favors’ to get her job.

That type of guy can’t handle the idea that women are rational, intelligent, ambitious people, because if women were so intelligent they would be flocking to him because he is a fucking PARAGON OF MEN AND THOSE WOMEN ARE ALL IGNORANT SLUTS.

It’s irrational,

The legs, the arms and the head are modeling chocolate, the torso is fondant.

Modeling chocolate is fucking delicious. Cake is fucking delicious.

Great, it’s not even dinner and I’m now fantasizing about chocolate cupcakes with tiny batman heads made of modeling chocolate on them, SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE?

That never fails to piss me off. Lucifer was one of God’s highest angels, and is meant to represent the beauty and divinity of God. They frequently make him demonic and ugly, when he’s actually not even a demon.

I assume that visual style is a holdover from Christian influences, because modern audiences seem to

I got a photo cake once for a friend’s birthday.
The icing tasted like paint thinned with sugar.


Ahhh, drug induced pupil dilation. I remember the days of endless partying; of eating happyfun droogs like candy, looking in the mirror at my blown-ass pupils while in the bathroom of the afterparty, hearing the music from the party reverberating in my head despite now being at someone’s house...the halcyon days of

The terms may be archaic, but they’re well-known and sound much better than the alternative.
I prefer “Landscape/portrait shot” to “Horizontal/vertical shot”, but that’s just me.

Pie is definitely superior to cake in this case.

This cake is covered in THICK fondant, which tastes fucking disgusting.
I hate the fondant trend.
“But then my cake will look cool on Instagram!” NO, FUCK YOU, CAKES ARE FOR EATING.

Anyone who says Fondant is ‘edible’ is wrong. So, so wrong.

That makes me think of the ‘Spanish to Redneck’ language course ad in Vice City.