
Disgusting. It’s just disgusting.

Good advice.

The best part of that scene is that pensive already means thoughtful XD

Your hands look better than mine, and I’m 28! Trump’s hands can only be explained via his privilege. He never has to go outside, never has to do any kind of manual labor, etc.

When you really think about it, how often does he expose himself to sunlight for extended periods? He goes from building to car to building to

We should look into getting him professionally trained. He listens to my boyfriend, but even then...
He’s almost 8 now, is that too old? He has a few gray whiskers that break my heart everytime I see them :(

Some people feel they can relate to Harry a little easier, since he seems less uptight, and more casual. The Royal who feels almost like an ‘everyman’.

It’s easier to juxtapose that to the other members of the royal family and see them as being lazy, than to acknowledge that there are multiple kinds of ‘work’.


I’m not someone who is big into the royals or anything, but I adore the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. They both seem like great parents, and like they actually love each other (impressive for a royal marriage).

Kate always looks fucking fabulous. I can’t pull off looks like that, so I am really impressed

Seriously. She walks better in heels than I do in sneakers.

Wow. I did forget it.

Oh, god. Oh, BLECH, now I’m picturing all the terrible Jersey Shore-esque people at clubs...the creepy guys, the bitchy girls....all of them orange and covered in gel.


Oh jesus fucking christ——-BLLEEEERRRCCCGGGGHHHHH

Hmmmhmm; he’s got those upper buttons undone, his jacket’s all open, his face all happy and relaxed...I’m not even normally into dudes that age, but I can’t even help it in this case because I have eyes.


I have a 110 lb German Shepard/maybe some corgie/definitely direwolf mix. He’s incredibly friendly and loving, but if anything ever went wrong he is incredibly strong, and big enough that he could severely maul me.

I’m around 135, and not particularly strong, and he’s a pretty insanely strong

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Mind blown! I had no idea! I was fucking OBSESSED with Downton Abbey, and somehow I didn’t connect that it’s the same actor XD

I’m pretty sure he has that written on his bathroom mirror XD

Is it just me or does it look like she’s giving digital side-eye? Her face looks...wrong.

Does it make me a bad person that I read ‘Kick-ass’, and immediately looked at her ass? D:

HOLY SHIT, I completely forgot about that attraction!! :D

I also forgot that it caught on fire. Goodbye, childhood.

I was just thinking that. The Mom would likely be more annoyed, not visibly panicked. The panic coincides with a Nanny fearing for her job.
Great clip. Goddamn, that first kid gives no fucks.

Swag in, swag chair, swag out. THE LIFE.

Ahhh, I see what you’re saying. I just rewatched it not too long ago and yea, some of the action really doesn’t jibe with the vocals, mostly since he’s so physically active during the song.

I hear that flatness that you’re talking about, but I interpreted that to be more indicative of Spike’s difficulty with the

One of my biggest regrets is that I didn’t attend the “Once more with Feeling” singalong that happened one year I was at Comic-Con.
None of my friends were fans of Buffy, so I just didn’t go. :’( Sadness.

Overall, my favorite song in the musical episode is “I’ll never Tell” via Anya and Xander. The song doesn’t pack