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Aww, I loved his performance! I love his song! It’s such a great song for him, lyrically, stylistically, emotionally...that song fit so well into the hell he was living being in love with someone who fucks him but also hates him. :(
James Marsters has a great singing voice in real life (I’ve seen him perform with his

That whole episode was great, but I had no idea Amber Benson could sing, and good goddamn, that was clearly a huge oversight.

Here is the man that I plan to entangle...isn’t he fine?


My guilty pleasures are usually either ridiculous action movies, or over-the-top drama/romance TV shows. I’m talking about things like 2012, XXX, video game movies, Blade: Trinity, Riverdale, Downton Abbey, Outlander, the like.

Really, anything that has cheese, action, and tension. This includes racing movies, really

The concept of returning to the same themes and archetypes is a great one; simultaneously hopeful and bleak.

I haven’t read the book, but the brown on brown slave trade part sounds shitty. It’s just a way to shift the blame for the slave trade away from white people. “Look, it wasn’t just us, they also did it! We

Union Strikes are pretty damaging to the people who take part in them. They last so long, and the people striking are always financially fucked from it in some way.

This is definitely not the same, and is more of a generalized protest rather than a traditional strike.

The word ‘Strike’ was likely used because this all

YES. This is incredibly accurate for a lot of women’s showers as well, though the spread of women fine with nudity is a little greater.

The only time I was disturbed at all by another lady in the shower was when I saw a woman with the fakest pair of tits I have ever seen, and I say this as someone who lived in the San

I figured this was just a humorous look at the whole “men in the locker room are all misogynists” thing that’s been circulating since Trump’s “locker room talk” idiocy.

I laughed especially at the image of men all naked in a big room, some facing their lockers with butt cheeks self-consciously clenched in fear at the

Just because some people cannot physically make it to a protest, doesn’t mean the protest shouldn’t happen.

Protests are meant to evoke conversation about a topic, and we’re all conversating. Shutting down the comments section for that thread kind of sucks, but I can see why they did it.

Getting into these subjects

If there was a forum for debate, what would you say? This seems as good a forum as any.

What are your opinions?

Everytime I watch this I laugh, it doesn’t even matter how many times I’ve seen it, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, or what I’m feeling....the handshake at the end slays me XD
I haven’t seen an entire episode of Portlandia, but it looks pretty great.

I did this exact same thing. I freaked the fuck out, almost emailed my Doctor, before the morning-amnesia receded.
I felt more immediate terror in those 5 minutes than I have in an incredibly long time @_@

Oh god, none of this should be as funny as it is, but I am almost crying I’m laughing so hard XD

I just spit coffee all over myself and my keyboard, you magnificent bastard.

I recently watched “Gods of Egypt” and I am ashamed to say that I enjoyed it XD It’s so over the top ridiculous that it’s easy to get sucked in.

That being said, the whitewashing of the film is incredibly apparent everywhere you look within the main cast, the effects used to simulate how much physically taller and

Cloud Atlas is great. The film was lampooned and internet-hated because of the instances of race-changing that happen in the film, with the actors shifting between races throughout different parts of the film, but when you watch it it the film is incredibly well done narratively.

Practically, a lot of the effects used

SERIOUSLY. Bettany as Chaucer was SO FUCKING HOT. In that coat, with his irreverent humor and accent....LAWD, LET ME FAN MYSELF <3

Psssssh, anyone who considers themselves a “professional photographer” that can’t shoot good photos in a controlled environment like a studio needs to seriously reconsider their vocation.

The lighting is absolutely terrible, and it’s awkwardly colored and composited, but that’s almost to be expected from Entertainment Weekly’s cover photo.

Shit lighting in photos really pisses me off, especially coming from “professionals”.

I have a friend who does Cosplay, and she spends months making these incredibly

Looking through the photos, ‘Loki drinking a green martini, heh, Thor looks like he belongs in skyrim, heh, Jeff Goldblum looks like he forgot there was a costume party until the exact last minute, heh, and...HOLY FUCK CATE BLANCHETT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING BADASS, FUCK.’

Goddamn; when Galadriel dresses up for Halloween