
Holy FUCK she looks EXACTLY like Mei!

Ahhh, I love love LOVE it when cosplayers either physically look like the character they’re representing, or accomplish that through makeup.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that cosplay should be fun and yes, everyone can do it, and yes, there are plenty of wonderfully made costumes

I hope you don’t think that the only way Facebook has access to their proprietary facial-recognition software is through their website.

Also, in this case, Facebook asked for the BBC to send them the images.

This makes as much sense as you recruiting someone to do your yard, and then calling the cops on them saying

 I honestly am shocked that Facebook’s official reaction was to call for the arrest of the people who brought this to their attention, especially considering this is a case of child porn being shared on their website.
Regular porn being shared on their site may/may not be against their terms of service, but sharing

The FBI is infinitely more capable, but they’d have to make it a priority. Policing child porn groups on facebook, initially hidden by their ‘private’ status is likely too time-consuming for them to pursue.

The BBC is doing them a solid by looking into this for them, especially considering how these private photo

Does anyone else think the article’s pic makes it look like Tracer is getting fucked by D.Va?

See that hole-shape on the bottom of his front chassis?

So true. My parents moved to a small texas town near Fortworth (from California) once I graduated from high school; they’re both democrats, both liberal, and since moving to that small town any latent racism they had has ballooned five-fold.

The story that was all over the internet a couple months ago about that woman

You know what’s crazy? Two years ago, I would have just naturally assumed that something that insane and racist wouldn’t ever be uttered by someone in the President’s cabinet, regardless of their party affiliation or even personal bias.

Today, I would not be surprised if one of Trump’s insane shitjockys said something

No no no no, European Colonists weren’t immigrants, they were terrorists.

I had this same thing happen XD No one can rock a blue coat/red hat like Carter <3

She definitely is a chameleon. From Darla, to Rita, to Amanda...she has great range.

I heard that too.
I also remember hearing that David would frequently be the one to calm her down during his scenes with her on Buffy, because she’d get so into the emotion that she would continue crying once the scene was over. Sad stuff.

That’s true, looking at pictures of Gaston, his head is shaped like a fucking jar.

Gaston looks like he has/could/would kill a man, but he also has the smug arrogance of someone who knows he’s at the top of his local ladder; like the stereotype of the popular guy in highschool, who is also the leader of the football

I didn’t even consider the age of the live actor playing the new Beast; looking at this all through that lens makes it even less appealing.

You’re right, the beast in the original had been frozen in time, and so his mental age was lower than his hulking form would suggest, which was part of the depth of his character.


Can we all take a minute to talk about the terrible cinematography of this film?

Or, should I say, lack of cinematography? For a song accompanying a scene as energetic and with as many changing camera angles and clever visual arrangement as this one had in the original cartoon, these straight, frozen shots are

Ian Somerhalder is pretty, but I feel like he’s a little too pretty.
I think Charlie Hunnam would make a great Gaston, with some dark hair and a tiny bit of bulk.

Hahaha, sadly yes XD

THIS. THIS always confused me as a kid.
How could a Prince and his entire court just go missing? Wouldn’t someone send someone to see what happened?
This happened less than 10 years before the start of the film, so the townspeople would know what happened, right?
Maurice had to know whose home he was in, since he’s an

I think it’s less that she’s an asshole, and more the belief that she could be looking down on, and feeling superior to, the others in the town while desiring to get away; “there’s the baker with the same old rolls to sell”, etc.

This interpretation has been fostered over the years through the internet and funny

Yea, Evans looks WAY too old, especially up against Emma Watson’s “never-changing, never-aging, magical and mystical patented no-age-face” thing she has going on. He looks like he’s in his late 30's, and she looks like she’s around 15.
Though, I guess that is more accurate for the time :/