
Evans’ is attractive, but he’s not ‘pretty’. I always assumed Gaston was built, yes, but also primping and pretty, with an obvious immaturity about him.
Luke Evans is a very attractive man, but he’s rugged, he’s suave, he’s way too mature and hard to be Gaston.
Plus, Gaston is supposed to be around Belle’s age. This

“When you are begging to put back in suggestive lyrics in a children’s film, re-evaluate your life.”

I haven’t, but I will check it out now! I’ve seen The Rock be comedic and it’s always great, but adding in Kevin Hart for the ‘big guy tank/little guy support’ dynamic sounds awesome.

The new movie’s main cast consists of Ben Barber, Dewey Finn, Amy Pond, and Dwayne “The Fucking Rock” Johnson.

I remember rewatching Aliens as a kid. My brother and I knew all of Hudson’s lines, and would belt out random ones while watching.

“Game over, man!” was always a favorite, but “We’re on an express elevator to hell, going down! “, and “Hey, maybe you haven’t been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses

Dwayne Johnson’s performance was really spectacular and surprising.
Lin Manuel Miranda stated in interviews that he had heard Dwayne sing during some of his WWE fights as The Rock, and that Lin then wrote Dwayne’s parts based around his vocal range.

That LMM dude is way too talented.

Plus, I am constantly amazed how

Yea, it looks great. She did an amazing job. The sequins separating the ‘Mystique’ side from the ‘Stryker’ side is a brilliant idea that works really well.

Yea, it’s ridiculously on point. I was shocked at first, haha. Though, I have to mention: when did Lightning get a bikini?

In his underwear, with a bag over his head?
While there are an almost limitless amount of ways to kill oneself, that....doesn’t sound like suicide. At least, that wouldn’t be the conclusion I’d jump to without definitive evidence. Was there a note? This sounds like either disguised murder, or maybe some sort of sex

God, those fucking trans bodybuilders. Good god, just. Goddamn. I remember there was one where he had a bunch of tats and these CRAZY blue eyes....and another who was INSANELY built, and had really nice green eyes, also tatts, AND his was in the army.... Oh god I found pics...

Seriously. Boys are molested/raped in bathrooms ALL the fucking time.
I’m not saying this is happening everywhere in all bathrooms, but the dudes I’ve known throughout my life who have been molested have usually had it happen in 1 of three places: their home/home of family member, the home of a

He did the ol’ repub/conserv/relig/ hussle otherwise known as the ‘deflect and pivot’, that they’re so good at.
Or, at least, that they used to be so good at. The only good thing about the obvious oppressive corruption happening in our government, and on the conservative right, is that journalists on major networks

“Yes, I am a man and you as a woman should have come up with a better solution than diapers and plugs, but you didn’t. Reason being women are focused on and distracted by your period 25% of the time, making them far less productive than they could be. Women tend to be far more creative than men, but their periods

It truly amazes me how little a lot of men know about periods. I once had a guy tell me how gross it was that women shed their ovaries every month.
I told him that’s not what happens, it’s just the womb’s lining, but he couldn’t understand the lining being shed without something physically going into the vagina and

It’s not “Men says”.
“Mensez” is a play on the word “Menses”, which is another word for menstruation.

Ignoring the business side of things, there are differences between Uber drivers and a lot of Taxi drivers. I know a lot of people who have had suspiciously similar issues with traditional taxi drivers, but here’s my anecdote: 

I’ve had much better luck with Uber than with traditional taxi companies. Traditional taxis


The only cool thing is the cape. The rest looks like Hot Topic just regurgitated their usual fare with random disney print.

1) Looks pretty cool. It does remind me of Veronica Lodge, and it does fill me with delicious envy because I could never pull off a look that suave.

2) What the fucking fuck? Seriously, I thought

Fuck, does this mean he would technically age slower while in space? I mean, realistically, we can’t keep them up there for too long now, but in the future it would be interesting if they monitored this long-term.

This only heightens my ‘living-in-space’ fantasy O_O

I ship Lena/Kara so, so hard. The way Lena’s eyes are so intensely focused, and the captivation on her face when she speaks to Kara has to be intentional.
Even if Kara doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, they have to address it at some point.

As long as Clarke doesn’t phone in her performance in Han Solo: The Wonder Years like she did for the last two seasons of Game of Thrones, it should alllll be fine.