
Hahaha, DAMN. <3

The actual majority of Americans voted for other people, but Trump won because of an archaic voting system that has been taken advantage of by corrupt Government officials who changed county lines to keep themselves in Office.
Our two controlling political groups are so ideologically opposed that they have lost the

She’s been aging so much, so rapidly in this last year. It reminds me of pictures you see of Presidents, and their rapid-aging that occurs in the first couple years of their Presidency.
She’s under the public eye all the time, and has to deal with constantly dancing on a knife’s edge to handle all the stupid shit

I love love LOVE the word cunt. It’s incredibly satisfying to scream “FUCKING CUNT” when I hit my toe on something in the dark, or when my program crashes randomly, or when I see Donald Trump’s face.

The word ‘Cunt’ isn’t something you hear that much here, to the point that it feels more like an actual swear word. In

Look at that Dog’s face. He knows what he’s doing.

I love good cosplay, but damn if looking at it doesn’t make me realize how lazy I am XD

Ahh, I miss Capaldi already. I don’t understand it when people say they don’t like his portrayal. He’s so good at displaying that pain, that tender emotion, that frenetic, hopeful anger that always resides within the Doctor, but doesn’t often find itself properly expressed.
Matt Smith, for instance, was such a vain

And here come the tears. Oh, pearl </3

Drivers are definitely terrible assholes around bikes, no question. Some drivers even seem personally upset at cyclists, yelling at them, tailgating them and honking, even throwing stuff at them, nevermind the actual danger of those drivers also not paying attention, and bicycles being smaller and harder to notice.


Oh fuck, I thought that was a real person in the thumbnail until it moved its eyes D: *shudder*

EDIT: The face that robot is making is the same face I make when I make jokes and no one else laughs </3

I wonder about Insurance in the Superhero world. Property and Car insurance must be through the fucking roof in Gotham. Plus, if you’ve been publicly targeted by villains before, would that affect your home/car/health insurance? Could that be considered a “Pre-existing condition”, or a “unwarranted risk”?
I can tell my

They probably just throw ketchup on it in the shape of a grinning mouth. Or they poison it. Who knows, it is Gotham.

Brett Favre should run. Brett Favre with a VP Cheese Wheel. I would vote for them against Ryan at this point.

Or drinking. Or shitting. Anything would be better.

I can confirm this. They have heat-leeching properties, heretofore unseen in nature. Good for summers, terrible for everything else.

Just rewatched the clip and that is CLEARLY Paul Ryan’s voice. Maybe it wouldn’t be so obvious if we hadn’t just got done listening to him speak, but you can hear it. The voice is the same. XD
Haha, Congressional Republicans are fucking panicking over Trump, it’s hilarious.

Seriously. I have totally made those exact same faces.
Those are the “I’m really fucked up but trying to look normal but so fucked up I’m forgetting how to do that” faces.
If they had put her maybe one foot to the left it would have been fine XD


How irrelevant and forgettable they made her is almost impressive, for how badass the source character is.

I actually really liked that line XD You were expecting a pun, and she didn’t deliver, but instead turned it into a statement espousing the badassness of her character. She doesn’t owe you a pun, she’s fucking Storm. BOOM, you’re dead.
It could have been delivered better, falling flat in execution, due in no small part