
That was such a great moment :D

When you say “last two alien movies before it”, you mean Alien 4 and Alien 3, yes?

Haaaahahahaaa, I love how confused he is XD You agreed with him! What the hell, hahaha XD

Has it really only been 5 days? He’s fucked up so much already, it feels like at least a month.

I miss real maple syrup. You’ve inspired me to get some the next time I visit a supermarket.
Thank you, kind Canadian!

Is that text reading “Harry Potter” on the image a watermark, or actually on the poster?
This would be so much better if it’s just the art, no text. I know it’s from Harry Potter, I don’t need a giant sign saying it, hanging on my wall.
Just the art, plox!

The first season is especially like this. I rewatched the pilot and the first couple of episodes, and wow, the first season is especially geared towards teens.
It gets more relevant to adults from the second season on, though the ever-present traditional high-school frustrations are...frustrating. Buffy hasn’t aged

Yea, I love love LOVE Cyborg from the old Teen Titans show, which has really been the extent of my experience with him. That character was way more relaxed and cheery than this grimdark version, and, along with Flash, seems somewhat out of place in this super-srs DC cinematic universe.
Of course, who knows? He and

Omg, I feel so bad for her, hahaha. What the fuck Josh Gad, wtf XD

On another note: FUCK, SHE IS STUNNING. <3

Holy shit that’s beautiful :’D

Fuck, I love Eddie Murphy <3

People in haunted houses/mazes get punched all the time. Some friends of mine have worked for Knott’s Scary Farm as performers, and the ones in the actual scare mazes, who have worked there for years, have all been punched at least once.
I briefly considered working as a performer at Knott’s for the halloween season,

It’s just fear. They don’t need to stick around, and if they’re scared enough initially, they’ll just run. If that chick jump-scared me, then ran at me, I would fucking run. FUCK THAT.

Seeing how creepy and dead-eyed the live props are makes me kind of wish they did the movie like this! >:D

The overwhelmingly vast majority of the people were actors. I think, if they too weren’t actors, only the people the camera specifically focused on, who were freaking out, were the only non-actors.
That being said, they also focused on the reaction of the fakest looking construction worker I’ve ever seen.
WTF was up

Actually, people have become so desensitized to seeing weird shit from random entertainment sources that they think “bullshit” first. You even see this with particularly bad car accidents on random surface streets, or cars on fire. People nowadays initially assume something is being filmed before they realize the

2016 ruined me so much that I read “We have the greatest fans in this or any other galaxy...”, and I immediately thought of Trump </3

Haaahahaha, oh god XD

Ignoring anything else about this preview that bothered me, WTF I FUCKING HATE IT WHEN THEY SHOW SOMEONE DRAGGING A SWORD IN FILM.

Are we supposed to believe they live in a world where swords are one of your most important weapons, and people just drag them along the ground, over rocks, rock floors, etc? The sharp tip

I am feeling the exact same way. The most glaring omission was Tubbs, because he’s such a memorable, thieving asshole of a cat, who is basically Jabba the Hut in cat-form.

*pause for breath*

I’m not gonna lie and say I didn’t spend a small amount of money (under $15) on this game, buying yard accessories or new yards,